Monday, March 20, 2006

This is just going to be a quick post...Something that I do not want to dwell on much, but this last week when I was at my doctor for an annual check-up they found some abnormalities. We are waiting for the first round of tests to be sent back and then I will be scheduled for a biopsy. They are saying that it is either a major infection or something else. I am praying that the tests will be sent back and it is just a type of infection.

Regardless of anything that I may think or want to happen; I know that the Lord is in control and that He is God!

Please pray for Kevin and I as we wait on these test results. They can take up to 2 weeks to come back. I have no patience when it comes to things like this, but I need to rest in Him and know that he is in control.



Unknown said...

Eek, scary stuff. I'll pray for you guys. God is sovereign and won't give you anything you can't handle with His grace! I know from experience that is easier said than practiced though. You'll be in my thoughts today dear.

Kelli said...

We will be praying, Heather. God is good all the time!

S said...

You'll definetly be in our prayers. I'm taking your advice and starting a blogging friends' prayer page. We'll pray that God will give you the patience as you wait on the results. That's a hard lesson in and of itself...patience. Just remember "whatsoever things are true...think on these things." (Phil.4:8)

Abby said...

Not sure if you remember me from NBBC, but I've stumbled on your blog. You'll be in my prayers daily until they find out what the cause of the abnormalities are. God is always good, no matter what.

Karen said...

Boy, Heather, how scary. I will pray for good news and God's peace.

Shyla said...

praying... :)
love ya!