Friday, March 17, 2006

My Big Girl!

When we found out 4 years ago that we were expecting our first child, I remember thinking that the time would never come when I would be able to hold our new baby!!! Wow....has time flown by! Victoria is now 3 1/2 and learns something new everyday. She never ceases to amaze me during the day and she is always so full of energy when I get home from work. Her pre-school teachers have told me that she is like a "little" mom to all the other pre-schoolers. :) Her personality is definitely one of taking care of others. She is also very passionate about things. She gets very serious when it comes to other people and helping them out!

I am so thankful for Victoria! This past week it was Parents/Grandparents day at school. In some ways I was not looking forward to it because her only MomMom (that is what she calls my mom) lives in Pennsylvania, and Kevin's mom was taken home to be with our Lord a year and a half ago. I knew that her Grandpa would come, but it just wouldn't be the same without a grandma there.

Well anyway, she did such a good job that day! I sat there and couldn't believe how much she has learned since attending preschool! I know that it is hard to be away from my children all day long, but at the same time I am so thankful that our church/school has a full-time available preschool for me to send her too! What a ministry!

After we took this picture and pulled it up on the computer, Kevin couldn't believe how much she looked like me.

I don't know how much she looks like me, but I do know that she is such a beautiful little girl!

I love you Victoria and am so proud you are my daughter!


S said...

I can't imagine Esther being 3 but I know it will come before we know it. Victoria does look like you. Did you have blonde hair when you were younger or Kevin? She's a cutey. Don't you wish you could save your 'blogging' somehow in a journal for Victoria to see when she's older??

Kelli said...

Sis, don't forget to remind kev that she gets her good lucks from the FREY side of the family. See you in a few days!!

Heather said...

Shannon-it will be here in no time at all. It is so much fun though having a three old. I loved the infant days but I love the things she is learing right now! I wonder if there is a way to save our blogging stuff so they can read it one day. hhhhmmmmmm.

Heston-i think i would have to agree with that...but her dimples and nose are ALL kevin!!!

Unknown said...

What a sweet little girl you have! I bet she was very proud to have you there for parent's day even if her grandmas couldn't be there. I don't know, I see Kevin in her face. The long face that she has reminds me of Kevin but her coloring looks like you. I hope to homeschool when the time comes but part of me really wants Chloe to have a "school" experience. How has pre-school been for Victoria?

Heather said...

Alicia - she was excited to see us sitting there! Maybe she does look like Kevin more then she looks like me. :)
She loves preschool and I really believe that it has been so good for her. We have thought some about home schooling but believe that at this time in our lives, it is best for her to have the school experience. We will see, it may change one day.

Kelli said...

I can see both of you in Victoria! She is a wonderful blend of the two of you! She definately gets her blonde hair from your side of the family! I still can't believe that you were all so blonde when you were little! I am going to laugh if we end up having a blonde child! My mom has a much lighter complexion and coloring, so i guess it is possible! We will see! Can't wait to see you all on Thursday! Off to Heston's dr's appointment! We will let you know how it goes!