Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It Has Been Awhile....

I didn't realize how long it has been since I have blogged. Don't worry though, I am still faithfully reading all of your blogs! I have got to say that is the highlight of my morning!

Today in Rockford, Illinois, the sun is shining, there are blue skies and from the inside looking out...it looks absolutely beautiful. There is one downfall to all of that...Wind gusts up to 45 mph! Needless to say it is a BIT windy out there and very cold! Last night when I was on the phone with my mom, she said it was almost 70 degrees in PA! WOW! I am sure though that in due time it will be warming up and the trees will start showing little buds on them! I love spring time!

We have been a little busy over the last few weeks! Victoria and Logan have been feeling so much better. Logan is teething his two year molars so that is what we are experiencing with him right now. His new thing that he likes to say is, "help you" "help you" and he will run and get the stool in the bathroom so he can be right next to me.

This morning, I ran downstairs to change the laundry, well he came right down behind me, ran back up stairs, and then tried to bring the stool down with him. He was very upset when I told him "NO stool".

Even when I do the dishes or make dinner, he is always right there helping me out. I am one that has NO patience and when I am trying to get dinner on the table or the dishes finished up. I really just want to get it DONE! Well, over the last few weeks, I have found that if I just let him help me (regardless of how much longer it may take me) he has this complete feeling of satisfaction! By allowing him to help me, it has also taught me patience and how to get the kids involved in helping me. So today I created a chore chart!

I am new to this "chore" idea. I have always thought that things need to be done JUST SO, so whenever there is something to be done, I just have always done it...well....I have got to let that go. I have two very capable children who need to learn responsibility. Don't get me wrong, they have had to pick up after themselves since they understood it, but now it is becoming more important to me.

We have taught Victoria how to clean the table off after a meal, match socks and put away certain clothes from the laundry basket! Her helping me out like this has been such a tremendous help! I can't believe it. So what if the food/condiments don't get put back exactly where I wanted them. The table is cleaned off right?

I know that I was brought up keeping things clean and picked up; I just don't remember how my mom taught me to do these things. Do you remember how you were taught responsibility? Right now with a 2 and 3 year old, Kevin and I have become so burdened in teach them these things. Sometimes as a mom I feel so overwhelmed in what my children need to learn from me. As they grow and learn new things I want their lives to be God centered. That is one tough thing to do in our society today!


Kelli said...

Oh I can't wait to see Victoria and Logan next week! They sound so grown up! We will have fun hanging out on Friday...

My mom made us a chore chart. I don't think we were as young as your kids, but I remember helping with dinner, sweeping the floor, and our least favorite, doing the dishes. Good luck with that! I am sure the kids will do great and they will have a sense of accomplishment that they have helped mom out!

Katie said...

I think some sort of chart is a great idea. I know people you use it to get their children ready easier and quicker in the mornings too (pictures of clothes, toothbrush, bed, breakfast).

I know I often worry that I'm not doing things the right way and I also so desperately want to train Luke to love Jesus and teach him to obey authority and everything else. But, I know that he will help me and I'll make mistakes, but it will never be too late to work on correcting those mistakes - all by his grace!

S said...

We had a chore chart for a while also. It sounds like you're doing a good job if Victoria already knows how to do all that at 3? I think we underestimate kid's abilities so often, we just have to set the bar higher for them to reach. :) I'm sure I'll regret those words later. :) Since being pregnant and having a child, Stephen and I have rethought our parenting philosophies...it's amazing how things change once you actually have a child. And I echo Katie's words...praise the Lord for his grace.

Unknown said...

We never had a chore chart growing up, my mom just expected us to do certain things. And she always let us help out with cooking and such. I very clearly remember opening cans or cutting up vegetables for salad. I'm pretty sure I was older than three though! She also got my sister and I a kids cookbook. A few times (we must have been 9 and 8) we made menus and cooked an entire dinner ourselves. Boy was my mom patient, I couldn't figure out how to turn the oven on and I didn't want her help so they waited a LONG time for supper. :)

Ditto. I think your humble attitude about parenting is right on. If you were confident in your parenting skills you wouldn't have to lean on the Lord too much!