Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Well, it has finally happened. I have been band from my new favorite store - Home Depot. This happens every once in awhile. I haven't been band by anyone but my husband! I was off for 4 days this past week, (kids were sick and then president's day) and by Monday morning I was VERY bored! I told Kevin that I was going to go to Home Depot to get some paint swatches! It was time to decided what to do with the Kitchen (we painted it when we first moved in but I didn't like the outcome of it and could take it no longer), Victoria's Bedroom and all the old trim in the house! I knew what I wanted to do in Victoria's bedroom, I just needed to get paint to match the fabric.

I neglected to tell him that I would not only be getting the swatches of paint, but I would be buying the paint. :) It would not have been that bad, but he came home 3 hours early! Opps! The whole kitchen was torn apart and I was a mess! He said he knew that I was painting and thought I would need a little bit of help. Yeah!! So he jumped right in on the project with me and went right to work! We got so much done and I am so pleased with the outcome of what it is going to look like! I will post before and after pictures. Give me a few days. I should be done by then.

Now, Home Depot is not the first store that I have been band from. First it was Old World Pottery and then it was Gordman's. These are both like a TJ Max or a Marshalls JUST A LITTLE BIT BETTER!!! I honestly was at Gordmans everyday for a week. It had just opened and I had a ton of coupons! I just had to go there and get stuff for our new house! Kevin is a good sport though. He knows I only do stuff that is on sale and a really good bargain!

Well, anyway, that is what I did this past Monday (my day off) and will continue to do every night this week and into this weekend. I am pretty sure that by this weekend I will have most of it done! I hope so anyway! One bad thing about me doing stuff like this is that I have no patience. You would think that after painting for 8 hours yesterday it would be all done. NOPE!!! I do promise to post pictures soon though and keep you up on the progress of it!

I wanted to start Victoria's bedroom, but Kevin put his foot down when I said that. He said that I needed to finish the living room and the kitchen first. Please don't think that Kevin is a mean husband. He is a very loving husband, and most of what he had to say to me was all done with that little grin on his face! If you know him, you know "THE GRIN".

I love you babe for trusting me with a paint brush!!!


Shyla said...

that's hilarious! i would never have thought that Home Depot would have been on your unapproved list for stores!! Kevin's maybe...but not yours!
If these stores are better than Ross and TJ Maxx, I am coming to visit!!
Can't wait to see pics!!
I finally got my shower curtains and valance done in the bathroom, (minus the tiebacks...still have to make those! :)
Have fun!

Unknown said...


Can't wait to see the pictures of your painting adventures! We are renting a house right now so we can't really paint anything. :( We don't have much money to decorate right now anyways - I'll have to experience redecorating through you and Shyla. :) When will your ban be lifted?


Heather said...

Shy - I never thought of Kevin being band from Home Depot! I called him right away to tell him what you said. His excuse was, "if I can't shop at Home Depot then I can't work" My what an excuse. :) I will post pictures when I get done. Why does it take so long to do stuff like this? Oh well, the finished product will be awesome. I am waiting for my mom to send me the curtians she made for the kitchen. That is something I should have had her teach me! Oh well.

Alicia - We rented for the past year and a half! I have been so excited to be in a home of our own. Before we moved to Illinois we owned a home, so to live in an apartment was a big change for me! The Lord is so good though! We are actually renting this house until we can buy it from our landlord! They too are Christians and told us to do whatever we wanted to the house! Hopefully we will be able to buy it this time next year! Kevin is self-employed and has to own his business for two years before we can apply for a mortgage. If anything, it has taught me patience that is for sure!

pamela s said...

I'm so envious. We rent too, but are allowed to paint if they can paint over it with one coat, so that leaves pastel colors only. We'll just deal with our eggshell white for now. :) Can't wait to see your pics! I'm sure as soon as your hubby sees your beautiful creation, he'll lift the band.

Heather said...

Pamela, the band had to be lifted today. I ran out of paint!!! So of course there I was, in Home Depot getting more paint. I also stopped by Gordmans and did a little shopping for the newly painted walls!!! He does support me....he thinks I need to go into decorating!

We will see.

Janeen said...


that is so funny-- I'm sure if I were married the same thing would happen to me. I am constantly doing something to my house. My next project is putting wood floors in my kitchen and living room. It will be so nice to have that done. I too love tj maxx. I spend lots of money there. Hope the family is well.


Karen said...

What an understanding and patient man you married, Heather! It's SO much fun, isn't it? I'm trying very hard not to bug Nate about getting started in our little Peanut's nursery! :) Can't wait for the pics!

Troy & Sherry said...

heather - so often troy and i roam around menards or lowes or home depot - such fun to dream and hopefully renovate a house...i will let ya know what we hear - today by 6pm hopefully...
glad you met tj and holly they are good kids - i love them and miss them -
enjoy your day -