Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!

I always look forward to Valentines Day! Some people say that they do not celebrate "Hallmark" holidays, but for me...it is always a refreshing time to spend with my wonderful husband.

This morning was a little crazy. I saw Kevin long enough for a quick hug and kiss goodbye....I think that was in his "plan". I was disappointed in myself because I didn't get up early enough to make him breakfast and give him his card.

It is always a bit of a production to get me and the kids out of the house by 7:45...(if any of you know me well enough...you know that before I go anywhere, I can't leave until my beds are made and my house is picked up...please don't ask me why) ....I was loading the car up with backpacks and stuff...and saw a envelope on my steering wheel. It brought tears to my eyes! I love my husband and the card he picked out was SO PERFECT us!!!

I thought I would grab his card and sneak it in his truck where he was working. No such luck, he saw me sneaking it in and then driving away. Oh well.

I really didn't expect anything else because he had already taken me to dinner over the weekend...but after I got to work, unlocked the doors and all...I was sitting there having my devotions (yes I am able to have my devotions at work...only because it is so boring and slow here right now) and in walked a lady delivering flowers. It was a nice gift bag with a red rose tied to it. Inside was a box of Godiva chocolate and a beautiful bracelet! WOW, was I surprised!

Well, anyway, that has been my Valentines so far today!

I love you, Kevin, forever!

How was your Valentines Day?!?!?!?


Katie said...

Wow! I'm impressed, Kevin! Sounds like you had a great day!


Shyla said...

What a nice boy!
I am glad that you had a great day! i did too! I will be posting pics sometime today!
Cute new blog! :)
See ya dear!

pamela s said...

How romantic! It's so much fun to be surprised by your honey!

Unknown said...


How sweet of Kevin to surprise you at work! I wouldn't have guessed he was the romantic type. How terrific that you were able to have a candlelit dinner at home. Our best family and romantic moments are at home. We are terrible homebodies. Love the new look to your blog! By the way, I have to mention I think your daughter looks very much like Kevin. Do people say your Logan looks like you?


Heather said...

It is funny that you and Katie said that you were impressed over Kevin's romantic side. :) He really is romantic in his own way! I really like it that way because he always gets me off guard...that is something very hard to do.
We are homebodies, that is for sure. I should say, that I am a homebody. Kevin likes to be on the go more often. I think I like to be at home more often because of working outside of the home all week long.
You think that Victoria looks like Kevin? People have said both...She definitely has his nose and dimples that is for sure. Most say that she looks like me. I am really unsure. Some say Logan looks like my brother Heston, others say he looks very much like Kevin's dad.
Overall, it is a hard call. I am just thankful that they are beautiful, healthy children.
Your little one really looks like Matt though, that is for sure.
