Monday, February 13, 2006

Don't Let those Smiles Fool You...

I love being mom, but I do have to say, the most exhausting time for me is when Victoria & Logan are sick. It all started out 2 weekends ago when Logan just was not acting like himself. Well last Monday he woke up with a horrible cough and then Victoria had it by that evening. The week progressed and the colds didn't get worse until this weekend. I was up several times through the night because Victoria said her ear hurt and that "my room is just spinning, mommy". I felt so bad for her. So here it is Monday morning, and we will be on our way to the doctor's office shortly.
I will say though for being the middle of February and this being our first doctor's office visit, that is pretty good for us. Last year, Logan had 6 or 7 ear infections. I am very thankful for their health this winter!!


Katie said...

I really can sympathize with you, Heather, especially right now. Last night was Luke's first good night of sleep for a week. He's battling an ear infection too. I hope everyone starts feeling better in your house really soon! I'll be praying for you.


Heather said...

Katie, we must be in the same situation. We returned from the doctor a little while ago....double ear infections for both of them. WOW! At least we have medicine now! That means that a good night sleep is just around the corner!
I hope Luke continues to get better.
