Wednesday, January 18, 2006

So Exciting...

When Kevin's mom past away, we decided that she would want her organs donated. Organ donation has always been something that we would support, and in a time of grieving for our family, it is a time to celebrate life for another family! We have never been through the experience of organ donation and were suprised at how it was handled. Surprised in a good way that is!

After the donation was completed, we received a letter in the mail from the University of Wisconsin (they conducted the entire donor process and keep you up to-date with things) telling the family where the organs went. After that I figured it was done and over with. I was very wrong. About 6 months later, we had recieved two letters from two different receipients. One received a heart and lungs and the other received a kidney and pancrease. WOW!! That was so exciting! It was kind of left up to me to write back to these recepients....but what do you write. I spent many months starting and stopping and then starting again. Finally, I just sat down and decided I was going to do it! The words did not come easily at first. As I started to write more and more, it became easier. I was able to put in the letter everything about Joanne and what she believed in! It was an awesome testimony of her and her Saviour. It was finally done.

We sent the letters to the Univeristy of Wisconsin along with a release letter. We wanted to eventually meet these families! Well, when we got back from our Christmas break in PA, we had received a letter stating that the one recepient, had also signed a release! We were so excited to keep in touch with them!!!

Today, I received the first e-mail from the family! It is so awesome that out of something so tragic of losing a loved one, you can help a complete stranger live a longer life! The last year and a half has had its hard times, but this one e-mail has been such a blessing to me today!!!

I know this may not seem to exciting to all of you, but I just wanted to share it anyways!!!


Katie said...


WOW! How could this not be exciting to us! That is so amazing, and I'm so excited for you. What an amazing opportunity the Lord has given you to spread your mom-in-law's love for Christ. I'm so thankful for your willingness and eagerness to do that!

Please let us know what's happening as your relationship with this family develops!



Shyla said...

I know that this has been a big blessing to you. i remember you telling me about the first letter from the donor and the opportunity that you had to write back.
God is good Heather and He has shown you how he can bring beauty from ashes!
How neat to be able to share Mrs. Watson's testimony. It's a seed planted for eternity!

Kelli said...
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Kelli said...


I read your post and that gave me the chills! What an awesome opportunity to share who Joanne was and what she believed with so many other people! Keep us posted!

Love, Kelli

Troy & Sherry said...

heather and kevin -
my heart ached with you when i heard the news of mrs. watson - she was always such a blessing to me and my family - and the memory of her baking in the northland kitchen...your story made me get all misty eyed..thanks for sharing and make sure you tell mr. watson hello for me and that your family is in my thoughts and continued prayers.