Wednesday, January 11, 2006

One of Those Days....

I know this blog is supposed to be about my kids, but I thought I would post something about me. It is Wednesday, at 4Pm in the afternoon. I started work today at 8 AM and have been bored out of my mind all day. Have you ever thought that you don't know what to do next. That is how I am feeling right now. I don't know what I want to look up next on the web. (Is it possible, that I have seen it all?) I am sure that it is not, but I sure feel like I have. I have looked at everyone's blogs about 5-6 times, but no one has updated them! Oh well, that probably means that they have exciting lives and I do not. At least not while I am at work, anyways. The worst thing about me sitting here all day long with nothing to do is that my mind wonders to things I have to do when I get home: laundry, dishes, picking up....and on it goes.

So really, this entry is about nothing but how bored I am. Sorry, I hope I didn't bore anyone else!!!!


Janeen said...

Oh my do I have days like that. Most of my days are not so boring. I spend many days solving issues from my employees or customers. I guess I am thankful I do not sit at a desk all day. Hope you are all doing well.

Katie said...

Heather - I used to be like that at work too. Always making lists of what I had to do at home.

Anyways, sorry I've been off the blogging scene and have not yet emailed you back. Since you last heard from me, I've been at my in-laws for Christmas and then at my parents house. In WI I had no access to the internet . . . so I've been gone for a while. We're back home now and I'm ready to update my site. :)

Hope your week at work is more exciting. :)


Heather said...

Don't worry about not e-mailing me back...I think we are all just finally getting back into the swing of things after Christmas. It has taken me a little while too!
I will talk to you soon!


Shyla said...

Heather, what a boring day! I have been there! You sit at your desk, knowing that you have all of the time in the world to search the web and nothing comes to mind! Hope you have a more profitable day today!
see ya,