Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Spring Time Anyone?

I know it is only January, but is anyone else just dying for it to be spring time? I so want to be outside playing with my kids, planting flowers and gardening. I guess I am just to anxious. Here in Rockford, Illinois, we have gone 2 1/2 weeks without seeing the sun. WOW!!! I feel as if I am living in Alaska. I just want SOME sun. Not a full day of sun, but a few rays maybe? Victoria and Logan wanted to ride their bikes so bad yesterday. They don't understand that it is just a tadbit to cool out for riding around....so what did we do....put their jackets on, pulled our vehicles out of the garage, turned the heater on in the garage and off they went. They loved it, and it gave them something to do for a little bit. I can tell they are getting bored of playing inside all of the time!!!

Other then that, not much going on right now. Just the same-ol-same-ol. I am praising the Lord, for our health. It is the middle of January, and so far this winter, we have stayed pretty healthy. Except for a cold here and there and one little weekend with pinkeye, nothing major! Praise The Lord!

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