Sunday, January 02, 2011

Christmas Time!!

I can not believe that tomorrow we head back to school, work and our weekly routines. Christmas break is over. :( I was able to be off work the entire time the kids were off school for Christmas break and we loved each day!!

We spent time shopping as a family, sleeping in, laughing and making memories. Just like I wanted too. Some mornings we would get up and instead of rushing off to do anything we would spend time playing games (especially our new favorite...Monopoly) and eating Christmas cookies. We may have enjoyed our lazy time, but the kids were also a HUGE help around the house!!!

We had movie nights and of course with that comes eating dinner in front of the TV while you watch the movie...which the kids love to do! We had friends and family over and made many new memories with them!

Now that the decorations are put away and things are back to normal (starting tomorrow) I learned how important family is this Christmas season! Nothing can replace my loved ones! Sometimes it is so difficult being away from my family during the holidays, but my parents made it so special for the kids and Kevin and I! Thank you, Dad & Mom! It was greatly appreciated!!!

I surrounded myself this Christmas with my loving husband and beautiful children and was reminded how fortunate we are to have each other! Things may not have gone the way we thought they would, but in the end we were together!!!

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