Tuesday, July 06, 2010


**The following pictures were taken from my friend's blog**

As I said in my previous post, I ran in a 5k early Sunday morning. It was something that I have been working towards for a few months now. If I am going to work to be healthy, why not do something fun. LOL! I don't know if I would have called this fun or not...

Sunday morning when I got up I kept wanting to just back out. I don't like doing things without someone by my side that I know. I got to the race around 6:30, registered and received a "chip" and then warmed up. HA! My first thought was...what in the world is this chip for. I'll just hold on to it. I started to warm up and stretch. As the time drew near to get in line the more nervous I got. I don't think nervous was the actual word...the more SCARED TO DEATH I GOT! Then I saw my friends. Whew! I felt a little better. They helped me get my chip on where it needed to be and then sent me on my way to the start line. That's when I saw Kevin and the kids. I felt so much better!

As I stood in line they gave direction as to where the race route was...RACE. LOL! Race? I wasn't there to race, to get a medal or to beat anyone. I just wanted to cross the finish line. I had a goal. I wanted to do it under 45 minutes. The horn sounded and off we went. There were a total of 118 people.

I don't think I was more than 5 minutes into the race when I realized I had drank 2 bottles of water...and forgot to use the restroom...my it was going to be a long 3.1 miles. Honestly, I just kept praying that I would make it without my bladder bursting. :)

I hit the 1st mile without stopping. I was so happy to see that mile marker. The heat was bad but the humidity was worse. I just ignored it. Halfway they were handing out drinks. I grabbed one...wrong thing to do. I didn't know what to do with it. Should I drink it? Have you ever tried to drink and run at the same time? It didn't work. Then I was going to pour it over my head to cool myself down...better not. I had a watch on and my mp3 player. So I just threw the cup off to the side. It totally threw my rhythm off...I decided to walk for a bit. Once I got my breath back a little I started running again...

I was able to run until we hit the hill. Now this hill is one that I drive up everyday. It is the road right behind our house. It doesn't look that big, but when you have been running for over 2 miles...it was MASSIVE!!! :)

I decided to walk the hill. Once at the top and around the bend I knew I was almost to the finish line....but wait...they MOVED where we started about 10 blocks further. WHAT IN THE WORLD! I guess I wasn't paying attention during that part of the announcements. Much to my dismay I had to keep running.

Victoria and Logan waiting for mommy!!!!

As I came closer to the finish line I saw my family and friends and I could hear them cheering for me. I will never forget the look in my children's eyes. It brought tears to my eyes! I could also see that I had beat my goal. I made it in 34 minutes! I really surprised myself! Being my first race I wasn't sure how to pace myself or what to even expect. I was so happy that I accomplished it...better yet I was happy I was able to use the restroom!! :)

I love this picture that was captured as Kevin kissed my forehead. He was always by my side helping me make the time to run. Many nights I was hitting the gym around 9 or 10 at night. Some nights I just didn't want to do it, but he always encouraged me and helped me around the house so I could get a run in...THANK YOU, KEVIN!!!

So now I have my first race under my belt...I would like to do 2 more this summer and then I was challenged by a few of my friends to do a 10k this fall! I am still thinking about it, but of course Kevin already told me to go for it and that I CAN DO IT!!!! I love that man!!!


a joyful nusiance said...


I'm glad you were able to make it to the restroom just fine!! ;)

christina said...

this is great! good for you. and you actually look cute running. most people can't pull that off. :) i would be one of them. kind of like pictures of "ugly crying." most of the time, you just don't want to see that. haha!