Thursday, June 24, 2010

I was going through some of my most recent posts and realized I never posted about Logan's graduation from Kindergarten! What was I thinking?!?!

This school year was a year of changes for us all, and this guy is one that I worried about the most. Logan is not one that likes changes. He doesn't like trying something new. He would rather stay home with me than go out anywhere. He will make excuses as to why he doesn't want to do something if he is uncomfortable with it...well you get the picture. At the beginning of his kindergarten year he was nervous, sick to his tummy and always had headaches. Once he got in the routine of things he did GREAT!!! I LOVED his teacher. She was soft spoken and TOTALLY brought Logan out of his shell. She was wonderful for him. She said that in her 20 years of teaching she has never had such a polite child in her classroom. :) That made me so proud.

As I watched him during his program I noticed how much he is turning into a kind, loving little boy. I pray that God uses that in his life.

One of the FIVE kindergarten classes - Class of 2022!

Some of his buddies....

His teacher Mrs. W.

Another buddy.

The proud kindergartner

After graduation Logan was able to pick any place he wanted to go for dinner. He choose Buffalo Wild Wings!! He loves that place and let me tell you....he ate and ate and ate! If the food is spicy that is just fine with him. We were laughing at how he kept eating. If this is a look into my future I better be ready for a growing boy.

These two make me day he will be bigger than her. It is going to happen and I keep tell her that it is going to happen. When we just don't know. :)

First he enjoyed his side salad...and yes that is a red onion.

Then he enjoyed his wings...

Then on to some chips and salsa....

Then back to the rest of his side salad...

Then a little bit of coleslaw...

Seriously, he can eat! We had a blast and we are looking forward to see him in first grade this coming school year!

We are so proud of you Logan! We love you and are thankful for you!!

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