Friday, May 07, 2010

I have been wanting to update my blog for the longest time! I read so many other blogs and I have so much to update on too.

This week I have been reminded of something. Something very important and I am thankful that the Lord has shown it to me.

On Wednesday evening I was miserable. I just wanted to sit and cry. I don't have a clue why. As I was putting Victoria and Logan to bed I was anxious and I just felt like I needed to "get out". Kevin sensed it too and when the kids were down he mentioned to me that maybe it would help if I just walked around the grocery store. (That may sound odd to some of you...but to me not at all.) I didn't hesitate...I grabbed my purse and keys and drove to our little store. As I walked around and put things in my cart I felt myself unwind a bit. After that I headed to the gas station and as I was pumping gas I got a text message from a good friend of mine. She told me that a teacher at her school was diagnosed with breast cancer that day. She is our age and a teacher at the Christian School that Julie works at.

As I drove home I began praying for this young lady and her family. The Lord also brought to my mind a family in Pennsylvania that has a daughter in a coma right now. I don't know all the specifics of either family but I do know that these families love the Lord and are praying for healing in each situation.

While I was praying I was reminded that right now in my life I should be praising my Lord for my health, my loving husband, my beautiful children and the blessed life we live. Whatever I was feeling Wednesday night did not even come close to what these families are feeling right now on a daily basis!

Dear God, be with these families today. Hear the prayers that so many are lifting up before you. Whatever the outcome, Lord, you are in control and for that we are so thankful!

Just a little chorus from one of my favorite songs....

Hold on, hold on!
When the current pulls you under,
And your heart beats like thunder!
Just give me your hand,
And hold on, hold on!
Until the storm is over.
And I'll be fighting for you,
Just give me your hand!
Hold on, Hold on!


the johnson crew said...

it really puts things into the right perspective doesn't it.

From my Front Porch Looking In said...

Heather - I just love reading your blog. I always find it so inspirational! You really are an amazing woman!