Tuesday, February 09, 2010


I am going to dedicate the rest of this week and Sunday to a DAILY LOVING theme. I want to do a simple post each day sharing with you something I love. Something simple...
If Christ has my love He has my all, but until He has my love He has nothing from me. I have learned something recently that my relationship with Christ needs to first have love in it. My true love towards Christ should withhold nothing from and for Him. When I love Christ sincerely, I will lay everything down at his feet and give up all to be at His command and service.
Think about it...Can you honestly say you LOVE Christ? I tell Kevin everyday, multiple times a day, that I LOVE HIM! How many times a day do I tell Christ that I love Him? In my opinion, I don't tell Him enough...He gave His life for me. FOR. ME. The least I can do is love him in return and show my love for HIM!

1 comment:

the johnson crew said...

amen! beautifully written.