In doing all of this I tend to lose my sense of direction...sense of cheerfulness...of why we are doing it all! Friday night we spent a WONDERFUL time with our friends from church just getting together and laughing. It was a very late night and the next morning we had to have Victoria and Logan at our church for program practice and then home to get ready for our dinner with Kevin's side of the family. It was a long day and while getting ready to run out the door again I stopped...I didn't want to go to the dinner and forget that evening. I wanted to enjoy the moments. I wanted to watch the kids open their gifts with excitement in their eyes. So I prayed that the Lord would just calm my spirit....give me a peace of mind. Like I said, it had been a long couple of days and I was feeling exhaustion begin to poor itself over me.
Let me tell you...God is SO good!! We had a wonderful time and we were blessed above and beyond by Kevin's family! His Grandparents are wonderful as well his Uncles and Aunts. I left that night and on our way home Kevin and I were just talking about the evening and I felt so refreshed. We have uncertainties in our life right now, but what a blessing to know that God is in control of it all...and that we have such wonderful families and friends!
While we were at church on Sunday it was brought to my attention that there was a little package with my name on it...a card and truffles!! :) When I had a chance to open the card it read: "I am so thankful for you. Love, ??" If whomever put that package at the church reads this blog, I will never be able to tell you in person just how deeply that card touched me!! Thank you!! I have never had a secret admirer! :)
Let me just say that God knew what my family needed this week and He provided!! He always does and I am excited to see what He has in store for us as the days and weeks unfold...their are always uncertainties in our life, but He is in control of those uncertainties.
Glad to hear God is giving you peace in the midst of such a busy season! I hear ya -- it's SO easy to lose our focus with the hustle and bustle of activities and presents (and in our case, birthday parties -- we've had 5 bday parties in the last 6 weeks). I'm praying God helps me have a Mary spirit to sit at His feet and learn from Him despite the pressure to be Martha-like.
Enjoy those truffleS!
I want some truffles.
I am glad that God has been faithful!!
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