Monday, September 14, 2009

First Day of School, Buses and the LOVE of my Life

We have been in the school routine for a few weeks now and I am finally getting around to blog about it!! The kids are loving their new school and so am I!!! We have settled into our routine (which I love) and have already begun to see the kids learn so much!

Victoria and Logan are able to get on the bus right at the bottom of our driveway each morning. Logan's bus comes just a couple of minutes earlier than Victoria's and after that I am off to work. I am so thankful that my employer has allowed me to adjust my schedule at work to fit around our schedule here at home. I am able to see the kids get on the bus each morning!! I LOVE IT!!

Victoria on her first day of 2nd grade!!!

Logan and Victoria...Logan started Kindergarten this year. He goes full days and is full of stories when he gets home. ;)

Waiting for her bus!!

Logan and his little, cute friend. They are only 2 days apart and have pretty much grown up with each other since we moved into our house 4 years ago.

This isn't the 1st day of school...I had to take it because each morning they both load on the bus and wave to the mommies!! They are always so excited when that bus rounds the turn. (I wonder how long the excitement will last?!?!)
For the past 3 weeks our household has been going through it's ups and downs just like any other household. We have had changes with the new school, new schedules and just plain 'ol craziness of life. Who doesn't experience this?? The past 3 weeks have taken its toll on Kevin.

As many of you know he has had back pain and it has gotten out of control. We were told that medically there is nothing more the doctors can do for him till we decide that it is time for the surgery. Right now surgery is just not the option for us. It will put him out of work/commission for about 3 months. Being self-employed we just can't swing it. So he had been dealing with the pain and taking the medication.
I can only imagine being the husband of a household. Yes, as wives we do carry a lot on our shoulders, but I believe the husbands carry much more. I have seen Kevins shoulders become so heavy lately. I see it in his eyes, in his walk and in his conversations with me. Today was one of those days for Kevin. We have been having car issues with my car. We spent the money to get it fixed only to find out it isn't fixed...and today I got a flat on my way into work. Then Kevin was driving home from having to get new tires on his truck to find out his transmission is going. AHH...but through it all he remains strong. For this I am SO thankful. He may have the WORSE day but yet he still shows me strength. I am thankful for the times when HE suggests that we lay it all feet of our hear that from my husband brings me peace.
Thank you, Kevin for loving me and your children! For providing for us and for wanting to put the Lord first in our family!! I love you!!


MommaHarms said...

Yes, I agree that husbands carry more than we realize. I am learning that more and more the longer I am married. Anyways, so glad to hear the new school is going well, sorry to hear about car troubles. If cars and trucks didn't pay our bills as a family I would hate them!Praying for you guys.

Unknown said...

Totally, I rarely feel the burdens my hubby does nor do I get why he worries about stuff! I'm so glad he's faithfully heading our home so I don't have to! Thanks for your sweet comments about your own hubby. Hope things get easier for him soon!

Tancy Griffin said...

am so so so so glad you guys are happy with your new school situation, and the kids are enjoying it too.

I am sorry things are still so rough. I can't imagine how a husband feels and all the pressure that he is under. It is good thing I am a woman! I will continue to pray for you guys!