Saturday, September 26, 2009

Busy Saturday!!!

We had a wonderful Saturday today!! Busy, but oh so wonderful!! Victoria, Logan and myself needed to get out of the house for a bit this afternoon to give Daddy some quiet time to sleep. We headed out to the apple orchard for some baking apples and cider for Daddy. The kids were able to play on the tractors, feed the goats and help me with the apples. We had fun and the weather was beautiful. After a few more errands we were able to head home and use the apples for the one reason I bought them...BAKING!!!

I had asked Victoria earlier that morning if she wanted to help me and of course she did!! I had been craving Baked Apples. YUMMY!!! They were SO GOOD!!

Getting ready to core them!!!

We filled them up with brown sugar, cinnamon and pecans.

Of course Logan wanted to help too. :) Actually, he loves watching the cooking show and loves helping me in the kitchen.

All ready to go in the oven!! Yummy. My mouth was watering and I couldn't wait to eat them...

....and they were so delicious!!!

This evening Kevin was out working on his truck and Logan pulled up the handy dandy yellow garage stool and wanted to help daddy fix the truck.

He loved it and I am pretty sure Daddy did too.

He could just barely reach but was able to unscrew what ever they were working on.

Daddy had to tell him what each part was and what it did. It was so cute watching them work on the truck.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a fabulous family Saturday! I'm itching to go apple-picking too. Can't wait to make a huge batch of applesauce to freeze and eat throughout the fall!