Who really reads this anymore? It is my own fault...I haven't updated in FOREVER! If only I could find that cord that I use to move my pictures from the camera to the computer. I seriously do not know where on earth it went! Oh well....do you mind if I don't have pictures this time?? :)
We are LOVING summer this year! The kids go to our friends house during the day and LOVE IT! This is the first year that we are not using a daycare. It was more difficult for me this way because this was also the first year that Victoria didn't understand why mommy wasn't off during the summer. :( I had a hard time coming to work at the beginning, but I what I am trying to do is take some days off here and there and spend special time with them.
Normally, we would be out camping every weekend, but since work is slow for Kevin we have decided to only go out every few weeks. It isn't to expensive, but we are trying to cut our budget back and this is one way to do it. I will admit to it...I miss camping. I miss spending time with the kids and Kevin...alone. Just the 4 of us doing what we like to do on our own time. ;) Maybe towards the end of the summer we will be able to make it out a few more times. We will see. I am not going to stress about it. The Lord is in control of KL Construction and He knows the desires of our heart! :) The work has picked up a bit. Kevin is steady with "little" jobs. Nothing real big, but hey, it is paying the bills and for that I am SO thankful!
Victoria and Logan are currently playing baseball....or coach pitch.....and LOVE IT!! I think they like it because Daddy is the coach. ;) It is awesome seeing Kevin work with kids. I really do believe he would have made a great phy's ed teacher.
With church, baseball games 2 nights a week, work, mowing 2 times a week(because of Kevin's back I have been mowing) and just everything else that keeps one busy during the summer I don't have much free time to myself. Which is totally ok, but I do miss walking with my friend Julie in the evenings. It was a time to just get some exercise in and talk and laugh.
The best news of all....Victoria is getting baptised this Sunday!!! Father's Day Sunday!! And to make it even better, my parents will be here. HERE! You got it right....they will be flying in to see us for an entire week. I can hardly contain myself!! The kids (and secretly I have been too) have been counting the days down! Tomorrow will be 1 more day till they get here!!!
I look forward to watching my little girl get baptized. I am so excited for her!!
Well, I will keep looking for that cord...I have a TON of pictures to post! :)
Thanks for the update! And I miss camping too! :(
I miss those walks to. We will have to go again after your parents leave!!
Hey girl! Have fun with your family! So nice that they could come out there for a change!
Victoria is too cute with that toothless grin! :)
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