Saturday, May 02, 2009

Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

Ok...blogger and I are not the best of friends right now....this has taken me WAY to long to isn't perfect but oh well...
This week I will be turning 31 years old. A while back Kevin had asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday. I didn't really know one specific thing that I wanted so I mentioned to him that I could use a pedicure. So he took it upon himself to call a couple of places around town and find one that had an afternoon appointment. (it is prom season here so everyone was booked) Well, I had wanted to get one with my friend because she had never had one before. Over the past few weeks I had tried to surprise her with one but our schedules never allowed it. Well, it finally worked out this past Saturday.

I picked her up on Saturday afternoon because we had already made plans to go shopping for a shower gift that we needed for this week. As we were driving into town I told her that we had a 3:30 pedicure appointment. She was so excited...i think even more excited than myself! ;)

We finished our shopping, had lunch at our favorite a drink at Starbucks (I now have a new favorite drink there...thank you very much) and headed in for our pedicures. It was such a wonderful afternoon and we both had a blast. She laughed during the entire pedicure because her feet are SO ticklish! :)

Getting a massage in the massage chair and a pedicure! What more could a girl ask for?! I couldn't stop laughing because her chair was vibrating back and forth I thought she was going to fall right out of it!

I don't think she stopped smiling the entire time...

....and I couldn't stop laughing at her! What a blast we had and great memories we made!

We even got little designs on our big toes! :) That is my favorite finishing touch! I love getting pedicures. Some may think it is a waste of money but I always feel a bit pampered when I am finished! :)

The finished product! At one point in the afternoon I remember mentioning to her that I don't think I have ever done anything like this you know what our 4 children where doing while we were out??? The daddy's had them all!! Can you believe it?? They were willing to take all the children for the day just so we could have a mommy day out! AMAZING!!! We were so thankful for that.

To my friend....I know you had a great day and I am thankful that we were able to do this! I had a blast and felt SO refreshed this weekend and ready to start the week! I know that there have been difficult times in our lives lately...but through it all we will become stronger women...we have to we have hubbies and little ones that depend on us!! ;)


On a side note.....

Our flowers are blooming and I am loving it! The warm weather is so refreshing and the change in season's reminds me of God's goodness to us each and everyday!

This is a picture of a bush that I was pretty sure I killed last year! It was nothing but a twig...a dead twig at mid summer. I figured I had yet again killed the THIRD Bleeding Heart Bush.

Well, the other night, Kevin called me out to the front door and showed me this!! It was back! I couldn't believe it. I was in amazement that it had come back. I started crying because I have always wanted to grow a bleeding heart bush because that was my Mother-in-laws favorite thing. :) I think I have accomplished hopefully I will not kill it this summer!!! We will see...


Unknown said...

What a blast! And how fun that you got to share all that with your dear mommy friend! Isn't it fun to treat other moms to special pamperings like that? Even the times I get to go out grocery shopping with other moms is a treat. The companionship of a sister in Christ is indescribable!

a joyful nusiance said...

What a fun day we had!! Thank you so much! I was afraid that when I took my shoes off in the garden today that it would ruin the paint! But it didn't!! I was so happy!

MommaHarms said...

Heather, my Bleeding Hearts die back pretty bad in the summer, but they keep coming back. I know nothing about them though. Yours look nice, as do your toes. I had my first pedi ever when I was pregnant with Megan. She was so huge I literally could not reach my toes, and it was summer, so what's a girl to do? I had to have paint on them!