Thursday, May 07, 2009


Well I finally am putting some pictures up on my blog! We have been busy and believe me I am sure after this weekend I will have SO much more to post about!

Last week was Victoria's spring program. I was looking forward to it...and let me tell you was the best program ever! The program was patriotic and every child did an awesome job! The songs were perfect, the poems were perfect and it went so smoothly! You can tell they had worked SO hard on it!

The kids were to wear red, white and blue. I dressed Victoria in a cute white sundress and bought some patriotic ribbon. She loved it!

Below is her 1st grade teacher (in the white shirt) and her assistant. These two women are hysterical and I honestly am very sad to see Victoria move on to 2nd grade to a new teacher! Her teachers now are awesome and love what they do and it shows in every way!!!

Victoria during her program. I didn't take any other pictures because I was also video taping the program. She looks so grown up and cute! I love you, Victoria!

Once and awhile I try to get pictures of the kids in their Sunday outfits. Especially when I know it is one of the outfits my mom sent them. Well this Sunday morning I was snapping pictures, but Victoria wanted me in on the picture with her so we played around with the timer and got a couple cute ones....

~~ Mommy and Victoria~~

~~Mommy and Logan ~~

A couple of weeks back we had our Mother Daughter / Ladies Tea at church. I am going to be honest here...I didn't want to go and would have made every excuses in the book if I could have. I personally do not like these types of things for many reasons....but they are my reasons...NOT Victoria's reasons. So I had no excuses on her part. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate ALL the work that goes into them. Our pastor's wife does an excellent job. Everything from the decorations to the food to the program was PERFECT. Thank you Sherrie!!
I struggled when I first got there...but I kept praying and concentrating on Victoria. She needed not to know that something was wrong. We ended up having a wonderful afternoon together!

"Purseuing the Beauty of Holiness" was the theme! The entire fellowship hall was decorated with purses and the pink and brown dot theme. It was beautiful!

Victoria and some of her friends from church...they were all in pink!! :)

Mommy and Victoria

Isn't this cake beautiful?! The lady that made this is SO talented and did an awesome job!!

She cracks me up!! :) If you know Victoria you know that this picture is HER!!
In the end I am happy that I went...I love getting to spend time with my daughter. She is growing up so fast. She is changing in so many different ways. I love you Victoria!!


a joyful nusiance said...

I love the bottom picture of Victoria!! It IS totally her!!

the johnson crew said...

looks like a beautiful event. i like the theme. as a kid i always hated those types of things, but i guess it means more when you are a mom.

that cake is AMAZING. wow, that lady really did a good job.