In the meantime I have so many pictures to post. I will start with Easter....
Our plans were a bit changed this year. Normally Kevin's mom side of the family comes over, but this year they were all out of town. I was a bit depressed and upset, but Kevin soon learned that his brother would be in town late on Saturday...he is a truck driver and is only in town once a month. We made plans to get our nieces, his daughters for the weekend. I was excited to have them for the weekend but a bit nervous. Throwing 2 kids into our busy schedules...I wasn't sure how I would do.
To share a bit of background on these two girls...I would take them to live with us in a heartbeat. They are so sweet, but unfortunately the conditions they live in are not good. We know that the Lord is in control and I need to lean on him in this situation. I pray daily for their safety and that they will one day experience unconditional love!!
Their mom dropped them off at our house early Saturday morning. That afternoon we were asked to go on an Easter egg hunt. It was the best Easter egg hunt ever! Our friends had candy, eggs and goodies hid EVERYWHERE!!! The kids all had a blast looking for eggs. It was a perfect spring day! Thank you Terry and Melanie for doing this Easter egg hunt for the kids! We appreciate the time you put into it!!!
Cousin #2 looking inside her egg.

After that we headed home to dye Easter eggs. I was bracing myself for this. I wasn't sure how it would go. I mean we are dealing with dye and we all know what can go wrong if it spills. The kids did great and had a blast....and so did mommy!
Cousin #2 wanted ALL yellow eggs. She was so cute and excited. I wondered if she had ever done this before.
Logan made all green eggs. He loved it but at the same time was so amazed that egg actually turned green!! : )
Waiting oh so patiently for his egg to finish up.
I was so surprised that Victoria wanted to do a blue egg. She is more of a pink or purple kind of girl. I think she thought the blue would show up better than pink.
She couldn't wait to take it out and see the coloring on it!
The finished products. I had a blast with the kids and loved doing this. I loved watching the joy on their faces as they each took their eggs out one by one. Oh and we had NO casualties.
Easter Morning! I had little baskets for Cousin #1 and #2 and the day before I took them both out to get a new church dress. I had prayed that morning that wherever we went we would find a dress, shoes and socks. Praise the Lord we did. The first store we went to had it ALL! God is so Good!
Victoria and Logan on Easter morning! They were so cute! Logan's Easter shirt was itchy so he didn't wear it and Victoria changed her mind at least 6 times. Finally we got the picture! :) When I look at this picture I see two children that I LOVE. In Victoria I see a mature side of her. She is growing up and there is nothing I can do about it. I see a little girl who cares about others and wants to do what is right. In Logan I see the softer side of him. He had a rough couple of minutes right before this picture. I can see it in his eyes. I love the fact that he is a mamma's boy. I know it will not last forever so I welcome any minute he will sit with me and snuggle.

The picts are great. I'm glad that you had a good weekend. That egg hunt was the best! To tell you the truth I think that is my 1st 1 ever!!
Great pictures of the kids! Looks like you had a good Easter.
Julie - this was for sure the first egg hunt for our kids. They will be looking forward to that every year now! :)
No, I meant, I think that is the 1st one that I have ever been to!! I was thinking back, and I don't remember ever going to one!!
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