Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I have been wanting for the last 2 weeks to write on my blog some things that I have been going through in my life. Some things have been good and some have been just plain old, down right bad days...but through it all I have grown as a person. I have grown as wife, mommy and woman!
This last week in our evening church service the title to the message was "When God's People are Met with Despair" I will be honest...if it were not for the fact that I was playing the piano and Kevin was an usher we would not have been there...BUT I am SO GLAD WE WERE!!! What a message from God to me. I sat there with tears in my eyes and just rejoiced in the fact that I made the decision to come that night.
The passage we were in was Psalms 77 and the first point of the message was that the believer took his burden to the Lord. hmmm...had I brought my many burdens to the Lord from the past month? Yes I had prayed for them, but did I actually believe what I was praying for. Did I bring them to the Lord again and again?
This past week in my devotions I decided to look back at the ways the Lord has blessed our family. I have come up with a pretty long list. If God has taken care of me in the past I know he will take care of me today, tomorrow and the days and weeks to come. He is never going to forget about me.
The Bible that I have is the one I bought just days before going to Northland my freshman year. While at Northland I found so many of the pastors would give these tremendous I started writing down these quotes each time I heard one that touched me. I have quotes from Steve Pettit, Tom Farrel, Pastor Collard, Dr. O, Dr. Von, Dr. Horn and many others.
On Sunday I added another special quote from Pastor Swanson. "Has God moved or have I moved?" I began to think about that. When I wonder where God is I have to wonder, how far have I moved away from God? What a perfect reminder to me this past week!


a joyful nusiance said...

I too was touched by that message. Our thoughts are very simalar this week. :)

Kelly Glupker said...

Your post was an encouragment to me, Heather. I hope things are starting to look up!

Unknown said...

Thanks for being so honest about your trials, Heather. I have really been seeing that in the psalms lately too - the psalmists lay it all before God. Their agony, hatred, sadness, despair, all the yucky things I tend to cover up. They took it to God and let Him deal with it. If only I'd do that instead of trying to fix things myself or attempting to find comfort in other people instead of God!

Anyways, didn't mean to get all preachy. It's directed at myself, not you. :) Praise God that in His perfect sovereignty He had you at that service so you could hear that specific message from Him!

mom2mine said...

Thanks for such an honest post. I have been struggling in so many ways myself, and I need the reminder.