Saturday, June 30, 2007

This Time it is for Real...

Well since my surgery is done and over with I have decided it is time really do something about this weight I have added on to my body since the birth of my two children. Over the past year, I have lost 15 pounds but I really want to be more serious about being healthy all around!
Every Friday will be my weigh in...For my first week, I have good news to report...2 pounds down!!! I would like to continue to update my blog every Friday.

I will keep you updated!!!


Heath, Jamie, Julie, & Mady said...

Good for you! Losing weight and being healthy seems so hard to do. I always gain about 10 lbs. every winter. I started my "healthy living" June 1st. So far 8 lbs. Good luck! I know you can do it!

S said...

great job!

Unknown said...

Way to go, girl! What a great way to start - with 2 lbs. down right away! Do you have a long term goal or are you just trying to maintain healthy patterns?

Karen said...

I'm with ya... I weigh more now than I did the day I came home with Olivia. Shame on me!

Good luck to you!