Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Love of My Life!!

History Lesson...

Kevin and I met at Northland through his brother. He started hanging out and doing things with our group of friends. I really wasn't interested in him at the time. He actually started liking one of my friends so I really didn't pay any attention to him. I went home for Christmas that year and while on break, my Grandfather passed away. It was so hard to go back to college the day after the funeral. I was so sad and really confused. I spent an evening at the Watson's apartment and started to talk to Kevin. At the time he was not living at home, not attending church and had a lot of questions. We started talking about where life had taken us and what we wanted in the future. I remember leaving that night thinking, "He is so nice, but I can't let myself like him because he is so far away from the Lord."

As time began to pass, he began to realized what he needed to do to change. I left to go to a friends house over Easter and when I came back he laid it on the line for me. He liked me and wanted to get to know me more. So then I told him that in order to do that he needed to move back home, start going to church and I needed to see that he was doing it because he wanted to not because of me. I remember praying for him everyday and for our relationship. I really did like him, but I knew what was so important. He needed to be faithful to Christ.

He moved home, started going to a bible study with his pastor and then we began to pray together as a couple. It was so refreshing to see him grow and to us grow. I was told that there was a job available in the Maintenance Department during the summer and the following school year. I decided to apply for it...I got it and moved to the 3rd floor for the summer. I was so excited. We became pretty close and at the beginning of the summer I remember telling Shyla that I would marry Kevin shortly after I graduated.

At the end of the summer, Kevin drove me to PA so that I could see my parents and so that he could meet them. It was then that my parents realized that I loved him and wanted to marry him. We decided on a date for the wedding while I was at home. With the following year being the year 2000 places were filling up quick.

I went back to college and started my last year at NBBC. I still wasn't engaged but I knew that would come in time...On September 27, 1999 Kevin asked me to be his wife. I was so excited. I couldn't believe it. This was my be married and have a family. Kevin moved from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania over spring break and I headed back to college to finish up and graduate.

After graduation from college that year I moved back to PA where Kevin had already had a job and was getting our apartment ready for me.

Only July 1, 2000 we were married at High Point. We had a beautiful ceremony and I enjoyed every minute of it!! I can hardly believe that it has been 7 years!! I love being married and I love being a mom. My life is full of fun times and so fulfilling!!


Kelly Glupker said...

I loved reading your love story! I had never heard any of the details before. Happy Anniversary!
By the way - what was your major? You graduated before me, but I thought we started at the same time.

Shyla said...

happy anniversary guys!! i remember those details and having long talks about all the decisions you were making at the time! :) Your wedding was the first wedding i was ever in!! what a beautiful day! we were all crying when you walked down the aisle!! LOL hope you didn't get all that sniffling on your wedding video! :) Let me know when you all come out to PA again! I want you to meet my babies!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your story! I had always wondered how you two got together. How beautiful to see how God worked all the details out and brought you two together according to His sovereignty! Happy anniversary to you! How did you celebrate?

Heather said...

Kelly - My major was the 2 year Administrative Degree. I beleive that we did start at the same time...I just did the short version. :)

Shyla - I think the next time we are planning a trip to PA will be at Christmas time. I will let you know.

Alicia - Our anniversary was on Sunday so i wasn't sure if we were going to be able to "celebrate" but on our way to church Kevin's dad called and asked to take us to lunch. So just a little lunch and then home for naps before evening church. Not a bad little afternoon. :)

Jen said...

Happy Anniversary - what an awesome story about how God brought you two together!