Sunday, April 08, 2007

He is Risen!

I believe that I am beginning to enjoy the Easter Holiday more and more every year. It is such a wonderful reminder that we serve a RISEN Saviour!! Our pastor had a wonderful message this morning and as we drove home I felt so refreshed and ready to serve the 18 people for dinner. ;) On our way home, I asked Victoria what she learned in Jr. Church. She told me that Jesus had died on the cross for her sins and that He rose again! She was so excited that he came back to life. She is understanding the aspects of salvation more and more. A few nights ago...she told me that she wasn't saved. I asked her if she understood what it meant to be saved and she said yes...that Jesus washed away her sins and she would go to heaven when she died. She is getting closer and closer...she is just not ready yet. I pray for her and Logan's salvation every day...

Two more weeks of crazy working hours. I can hardly wait!! I am so anxious to be at home by a decent time every evening. I miss my husband and my kids! I will be so happy to be able to keep up on my house cleaning and laundry.

Kevin's business is picking up and we are extremely thankful to the Lord for that! He is booked through the end of May right now. There is a possibility of him building his first house through the business. That will be a huge blessing and towards the end of the season he will be doing a pretty large addition for one of his contractors.

Below are a few pictures from today of the kids. With being so busy with work, I was not able to bring them to get their pictures done, but I was able to get some pretty good ones of the two of them before church. I have even ordered the prints of them through Walgreens. ***note to family members: if there are any that you would like let me know and I will send them out to you***

This one is my favorite of Logan. I had it blown up to an 8x10. I can't wait to pick them up in the morning.

He looks so big...and by the way we are COMPLETELY potty trained. I thought we were going to have a 5 year old in diapers, but one day about 1.5 months ago he told me he had to go and ever since then he has been doing a great job!! I am so proud of him.

He was so excited to wear a tie this morning...I think he looks totally handsome and is such a cutie!! He is definitely my big boy!!!

I wish they were this loving all the time...

Thanks again MomMom for the beautiful dress. She got SO many compliments on it this morning at church.

I wish it were warm enough today for her to go without her sweater, but it wasn't so she had to go with her was in the 40's all day today.

This is the picture that I blew up of Victoria. I love this one...she is getting so big and can't believe that she will be in Kindergarten this fall.


Anonymous said...

the photos are beautiful, heather... good job! they're gettin' so big and grown up... can't wait to see you guys @ the campfire! THINK SPRING... luv, melly

Unknown said...

Wow, your kiddos looked fabulous all dressed up in their Easter duds! And they're so good about smiling for the camera! I really like Victoria's ladylike get-up - did she like wearing the gloves and carrying the purse around?

That's great news about Kevin's business! Praise the Lord for His goodness and provision!

Heath, Jamie, Julie, & Mady said...

I love the pictures! They look so grown up. We can't wait to see you all again. Mady wants to get matching dresses with Victoria so they can look like twins when she comes to visit. Love you guys! Jamie, Heath, Julie and Mady

Heather said...

Melly - We are so ready to go camping too! I wish this cooler weather would just go away!!

Alicia - They love to smile for the camera. They do a good job...and we even made it to church on time! :) Victoria loves dressing up and wearing all her accessories!

Heath and Jamie - We are so anxious to get out there in July! I can hardly wait till we have continuous nice weather!!

Ami said...

Victoria and Logan are adorable. You take wonderful pictures. It sounds like you had a wonderful Easter.

Love, Ami

Abby said...

Those pictures are ADORABLE! I can't wait to get little easter outfits for Elijah! I can't believe how much they are growing!!

MommaHarms said...

Hi Heather,

It was good to see you guys last night. Sorry I couldn't talk longer. Logan is getting so tall!
