Saturday, February 03, 2007

Boys Night Out!

Grandpa, Kevin and Logan had a boys night out on Friday! They had a blast. Kevin took Logan to see the Monster Trucks! When Logan found out that I bought these tickets about 3 weeks ago, he was so excited he thought he was going that night. Needless to say it has been a long 3 weeks for this poor little boy! Kevin said he did so good. It was so loud in there that most of the kids had ear protection on, which Logan is used to wearing because of the races we go to during the summer. They had a great time. While some of you may think this is totally rednickesh...I thought it was a great night for some daddy and little boy time. Logan adores his daddy and wants to be just like him when he grows us. Actually, I am pretty sure by the time Logan is in school, he will be going to work with daddy on his days off. He loves to build and he loves to help daddy do just about anything!!!

Here he is smiling and showing off his sticky face. Kevin said he didn't want anything but cotton candy. Can you blame the kid? It is pure sugar! Who wouldn't want a nice bag of cotton candy?

So what did mommy and Victoria do on their night at home...We cleaned! I think Victoria dusted just about every piece of furniture in our house. She did great. Why not training them while they are young.

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Visit us on said...

I love his smile! He's such a cutie!

Unknown said...

I didn't have any brothers so I never got to go to any truck rallies. Looks like fun!