Friday, December 22, 2006

Why has it been so hard for me to keep up our family Blog...It is not like there is a lot going on right now...HAHAHA!!! I wish I had more time to keep everyone up to date!!!

I am finally finished with all my shopping, baking and wrapping!! It is a nice rainy day out so the kids are taking an extra long nap! Actually, we had a thunderstorm just a little bit ago...what crazy weather we are having this year. I was talking to Heston and Kelli earlier this morning...they flew into Denver before this big storm hit!!! Talk about perfect timing!!!

I am enjoying time off of work and spending it with the kids this weekend!! I was so excited when my boss said that our office would be closed starting Friday and wouldn't reopen till Wednesday of next week!!

This evening we are spending some quiet time here at home...after tonight it is 3 continuous nights of Christmas dinners, lunches, presents and well you know the rest!!! I think this is the first year that my kids are asking about Santa Clause. I guess I thought that if I didn't talk about Santa and only talked about Jesus' birth then they would just "know" that Santa isn't real. WOW! Was I wrong!

Logan thinks that he GETS presents everywhere he Kevin has had to sit him down a number of times to explain how we GIVE, not GET. I have included them as much as possible in wrapping presents for seems to be working a bit. We have also decided to have a "birthday party" for Jesus as a tradition so they know that Christmas is about Jesus!! They are pretty excited about singing Happy Birthday to Jesus on Sunday!

I have a video to post of Victoria and Logan singing Away in a Manger at Church last Sunday, I am going to try and upload that next...We will see how that goes.

1 comment:

Karen said...

i love the idea of a party for Jesus! i think i'll do it someday!