Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Finally, after months of working on the house... pictures...
We moved into our home 1 year ago and it has come a long ways! I will never forget the first time we walked into the house. It had been a rental home for over 5 years and the last people that lived their had over 10 different animals that knew how to go "in" the house and not outside. This past summer we were able to put new hardwood floors in the 3 bedrooms and carpet in the living room. It has changed the entire appearance of our home. I finally have some pictures of the kids bedrooms and the living room...thanks so much for your patience...
Our home is not extravagant, or unlivable, but it is HOME! After selling our house in PA and moving her to Illinois and living in apartments for a little over a year, I am so glad for the house the Lord has given to us!

Victoria's bedroom...I saw the painted diamonds in a magazine and had fun "helping" Kevin paint them on the wall.

Thanks so much, Mom, for the curtains! As you can tell Victoria loves purple! She loves her "girly room"as she calls it!

The trim through the entire house was all the dark colored wood. It was not very attractive...more like the seventies...

Logan's room...We still have some decorations to get on his walls. It looks a little plain yet. I have such a hard time making decisions on what I want to put in his room. I think I have been looking for his dresser for almost 4 months now.

I forgot to put a picture up of his window and curtains. Opps...

Our living room...

Still haven't decided on curtains for this room...any suggestions are more than welcome!!! I defiantly want color that is for sure!

I am so thankful for our house! It is only about 10 minutes away from church and so close to Logan and Victoria's daycare! The neighborhood is so nice and quiet, although it is growing quickly! Kevin did so much work over the last year. From putting new interior doors up, taking ALL the trim down, painting it, painting all the walls, putting all the trim back up, new light fixtures, putting the wood floors in, and so much more!! I don't think I understand how much money he saves us by doing all this work!! Thanks, Babe!


Kelly Glupker said...

Very nice home!!

ashley said...

Wow, looks great! We need to swap house remodling stories more often since we both had the pleasure of moving into a house where animals roamed freely! Well, I'm sure it brings you so much satisfaction knowing you did it all yourselves. Hey, would a cranberry color look good for the curtains?

Visit us on said...

Looks Great!

I can't wait for Champ and Molly to meet in December! I will warn you, Molly likes to attack and play and bark (she is always the dominate one)but they will love each other! It will probably be best to have them meet at our house, we can let them run around outside!(actually Molly hasn't been to Mom and Dads new house yet)!

Heather said...

Ashley - we have stories, that is for sure! I can't believe how people live sometimes. Cranberry colored curtians is what I am leaning do you have any ideas for style???

Hill - I am so excited for Champ to meet Molly! They should meet were they can run freely...your yard sounds great! I sure hope we can get champ fixed before we get out there. :)

Jenny said...

Looks really good, Heather! Isn't it great when husbands are handy? I know we'd either still be living in a dump or we'd be in debt up to our necks if Michael didn't know how to fix & improve things! Praise the Lord!

Visit us on said...

I like the new look of the blog!

the johnson crew said...

heather, your house looks really nice. i like how you did the ceiling in your son's room. very nice.

Jocelyn Pagano said...

I love the color in your living room! Your house is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

hey heather, the kids rooms look really great. did i ever tell you about my red white and blue room when i was a teen? it wasn't quite as nice as logans. but it was interesting.
i think you got your decorating skills from me huh? (wait till mom reads this!) can't wait to see you all in december!
love ya

pamela s said...

Looks beautiful! Love the diamonds in Victoria's room! I like your decorating style too. Great job!

Kelli said...

Hey Heather, it looks great! I love Victoria's room; I love purple!! Everything looks great. I still need to post pictures of our house, especially since the curtains are up!!

Troy & Sherry said...

Great job you guys! We completely understand what you have gone through except we haven't been living in our renovation. We are hoping to move in over Thanksgiving weekend. :)