Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Lord has provided us with yet another profitable summer for the business. When Kevin and I agreed that it was time to start a business of our own, my pessimistic side stepped in faster than anything else! I find myself so easily forgetting that the Lord provides all our needs in His timing.

Kevin really enjoys designing and building decks...this one was a HUGE thorn in his flesh!!! He has finally finished it and I am sure that he is glad it is done. I can't believe how beautiful it is! There is a sunk in hottub, benches and flower boxes all around it! The homeowner knew what she wanted when Kevin and her sat down to design it!

He did a great job and I am so proud of my husband that he can do things like this! The Lord has blessed him with a great mind and a hard working mentality!!

Pray for Kevin and I, we are praying about going on a working missions trip to Chili, South America. It looks like Kevin will have a better opportunity to go than the 2 of us! We are excited to hear more about the trip and to talk to the Pastor Bill Park about the opportunity. Kevin is excited to be able to use his abilities and to serve the Lord at the same time.


Kelly Glupker said...

The deck looks beautiful! Isn't so nice to have a handyman for a husband?

christina said...

wow!! that is beautiful!

Visit us on said...

Chili! Sounds your pastors name Bill Park, or is this the High Point Bill Park?

Visit us on said...

Oh yeah....Awesome Deck!

Karen said...

wow, that deck is gorgeous!

Cari Mohler said...

Hey Heather!!! It has been FOREVER! I am so sorry!!! With the summer camp and the boys jumping right into school after that life has been busy!

I love your puppy by the way! Did you see ours? What did you name yours again? Jason was going to call and pick on Kevin for having such a little dog...I DON'T think Jason has ANY room to talk!!!! :)

I am going to be having surgery one week from tomorrow! UGH!!! I am not looking forward to it! Then again...who ever looks forward to surgery? I hope to be a blog a bit more and maybe be able to keep up better with you guys since I will be laid up for a while recovering.

That is so exciting about Chili!!! Keep us posted on what takes place!!!

Oh, and tell Kevin that deck is AWESOME!!! Does he want to come build us one even a 1/3rd of that size? Ha! Would love one!!! You and I could have fun watching those guys working together!!! I bet they would be quite the team!!! We would have some GREAT laughs that is for sure!!

I am looking forward to our kids getting together again! I bet Emma and Victoria would have a blast doing all of their girly things since they are a bit older now!!! You have to come and stay with us now that we have room!!! That would be a blast!!!!

Miss you guys!
Thinking of you and praying for you!!!

Kelli said...

Wow, Great job, Kevin! Wish we could afford to have you design one like that for us! =) Hopefully we will have the money for a deck next summer. Great work, Kevin!

Kelli said...

oh, about Chile, that would be awesome! Pastor Bill is working on a trip to Uruguay for the Soccer girls next summer right before pre-season! That would be awesome! The girls are already super excited. We better start saving our pennies! I will be praying that the Lord works it out for you both to go! I wish the kids were younger and they could just come up and stay with us while you are gone, but the school thing kind of makes it hard. The Lord will work out the details. Keep us posted!!

Heather said...

Thanks everyone for the compliments...I will pass them on!!!

Cari...we need to get up there to visit that is for sure! Maybe sometime in October! is Pastor Bill from High Point! He has been in touch with us!!

Unknown said...

That is absolutely gorgeous! I can tell that woman had a lot of specifics and custom things in mind. I've never seen such a complete deck!

the johnson crew said...

wow, that is an awesome deck...good job kevin!