Friday, September 22, 2006

Life is just TOO Precious!!!

Since last Saturday, I have realized more than ever how precious my husband and two children are to me!!! I am so thankful for the Lord bringing them into my life. Victoria and Logan have been given to me by Him, to be brought up in His word and to learn to love Him. Last Saturday, I thought that He would be taken Logan from this earth!

Saturday, September 16th,

7:30 PM...We were at a picnic and Logan began to complain of neck pain.

7:45 PM...The pain became so bad that he wouldn't move from my lap, so we left the picnic. On the way home I decided to call the doctor. We waited at the Wal-Mart parking lot to see if they would tell us to go to the hospital. He never called so we headed home. By this time, Logan was clinging to me and wouldn't even lift his head. I was really becoming scared.

8:45 PM...I called the doctors office back. The nurse asked me if I could describe Logans pain. I did and she told me that she wasn't going to page the doctor again, but instead we were to head straight to the ER.

9:15 PM...We arrive at the ER and are taken right away, despite the 3 hour waiting line.

9:45 PM...The nurse is taken back on the way he cries when I move him. They start an IV on him and take 7 vial's of blood and 2 blood cultures. The cultures are to check to see if he has bacterial meningitis.

10:00 PM...He has a chest x-ray to check to see if he has pneumonia. That eventually comes back negative.

11:15 PM...Most dreaded words of all...Spinal tap. I knew it would have to be done. I just felt so bad to put him through it. The do the tap and while they are draining the first bit of spinal fluid from him...It is pink...By the fourth vile it is red with blood.

Sunday, September 17th

12:00 AM...Because of the bloody spinal tap, they order a MRI to make sure there is no aneurysm. I began to really panic and question God during this time. If it weren't for Kevin and him hold it together, who knows what would have come of me. We were also told that after the MRI, he would be taken by ambulance to a hospital about 15 minutes away. They had a PICU (pediatric ICU) and would better be able to monitor him.

1:10 AM...Drugs administered to him to sedate him during MRI.

1:20 AM...Logan refused to "go to sleep" with the drugs. I called my parents to let them know what was going on, then Kevin and I sat in the waiting room and prayed! We gave it all of to the Lord and begged Him that His will be done in this situation. I wish I could tell you that I felt better, but my nerves still wouldn't calm down.

2:10 AM...More drugs were given...still he wasn't out

2:30 AM...3rd round of drugs and finally he was out and they could continue doing the MRI.

3:15 AM...What should have been a 45 minute MRI is finally over. We head back to the ER room.

4:20 AM...2 flight nurses and 2 paramedics arrive to take him by ambulance to the next hospital.

4:45 AM...The nurse than the doctor ask us a ton of questions and then look him over. He continues to sleep through it all.

6:00AM...We are finally able to lay down and get some sleep.

8:00AM...Time to make some phone calls to let everyone know where we were and what was going on.

9:00AM...Logan finally begins to come off of the drugs!!! He is a little weird acting at this point...talking really slow and reaching for things in mid air.

12 NOON...They encourage me to get him out of bed to eat lunch! I thought they were personally crazy. I still didn't have any test results back and they the hospital said no more tests were needed. Logan still refuses to move his neck and cries himself to sleep eventually.

4:30 PM...He begins to get frustrated and shows more sign of pain. They give him Tylenol with codeine. I wasn't to impressed because he was still so drugged from the night before. The doctor comes in to look at him and says all tests were negative. She tells me that he probably just pulled a muscle!!! WHAT?!?! I almost lost it! She then gave him a muscle relaxer. I was just about to loss it that was for sure.

8:00PM...Another round of drugs. They said he would need them to get some sleep. At this point, he still hadn't eaten for over 24 hours and was still crying in pain.

10:30 PM...sleep...yes, I was totally ready for it that is for sure!!! We were able to sleep pretty much all night.

Monday, September 18th

9:00 AM...After 3 tries they are able to get some blood for a blood test.

1:15 PM...The tests come back negative...the doctor decides to send him home. He is still in a lot of pain but she still says he just pulled a muscle. Normally, I would be happy to go home and get out of the hospital, but my son still has a lot of pain and has not kept solid food down. Why would you send him home???

4:00PM...we get home and Logan goes right to bed. He cries himself to sleep hold his head and saying it hurts. My heart broke for him.

7:30 PM...He is awake but crying in pain. By 8:00 PM he is vomiting and livid. I was so scared. Called the doctor and told him I was bringing him back to the ER where we were 2 nights ago. I wasn't going to that crazy hospital they sent me to.

9:05 PM...We are back at the hospital and they work for over an hour to get an IV in him. Most of his blood vessels were blown out from all of the tests. The decide that he needs to be admitted right away. He holds his head and is still vomiting horribly. They can't get the IV in him so they send us up to the Pediatric unit.

Tuesday, September 19th

2:00 AM...after the pediatric nurse gets an IV in, assess him and we see the doctor, we try to get some sleep.

9:00AM...Logan wakes up and refuses to sit up. His head hurts to much and he will not move his neck The doctor comes in to examine him and notices that he has some very enlarged lymph nodes in his neck. She has some more tests run and starts antibiotics on him.

4:00 PM...Logan still will not sit up but they believe the headaches are from the spinal tap. It was an extreme tap where they took almost 4 x's more spinal fluid than needed. This makes the fluid between your brain and skull minimal and allows the brain to actually move causing a spinal headache. The keep us for another night in the hospital.

This was pretty much his position for 4 days. He doesn't look like he is in to much pain!!!

The nurses and doctors were great and kept him as comfortable as possible. How could you resist this smile??

On Wednesday, he still had a headache, so they decided to do another MRI of his spine, just to make sure he didn't have a virus in his spine and to also check to make sure there was no leak of spinal fluid. The test would be done on Thursday and he would be given anesthesia.

Thursday morning was scary, but he was back in my arms within 2 hours. He is such a trooper!!! By mid-afternoon we find out that the tests were normal and it was confirmed that he had only a spinal headache and they could last anywhere from 2-14 days. The good news was that were could go home!!!

I am so thankful that we are at home today and that for the most part he is feeling like himself again!!! He gave us a big scare and made me realize so many things!! Last night I was telling Kevin that I don't know how close we came to almost losing him, but I don't want to know either!! God is so good and answered all of our prayers!!! My family is so important to me and I am so thankful for them!!!

Thanks to you all for your prayers, cards and phone calls. It looks like we are on our way back to a normal life!!!!!


Kelly Glupker said...

I am glad everything worked out. I can't imagine sitting around for so many days without answers. Praise the Lord everything is okay!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Oh Heather! Praise the Lord for His mercy and His help when we feel completely helpless! It just breaks your heart to see your babies in pain... glad that Logan is doing better!

Unknown said...

Wow, Heather. What an ordeal! How scary! It's at those moments that you realize what a treasure your family is, eh? I sure hope I don't have to go through something like that with Chloe. It would just break me to watch her suffer like that and to not know how to help her.

Katie said...

O my goodness, Heather. Praise the Lord. I can say that with a lot of gusto for you, because I'm tearing up just reading and seeing the pics of your sweet boy. I can just imagine the horror - Logan always reminds me of Luke. I'm praying that everything continues to go smoothly from here on out.

Abby said...

Praise the Lord that he is Ok!! I'm glad to ehar the he is doing better and is home!!!

Kelli said...

Heather, I am so glad that you are all back at home! We were praying so much for him. Your Mom called us many times a day to keep us posted. Poor little guy! The Lord is good, all the time. Praise the Lord for healing Logan and I hope his headaches go away completely!

Troy & Sherry said...

heather -
so glad it all worked out- it is true that times like this remind us of the brevity of life - praying all gets back to normal quickly

carissa said...

oh I'm teary! Praise God for His healing, grace, and strength. Andrew is prone to febrile seizures. Nothing has touched my life more than when my child is completely helpless. I praise Him for giving our boys health!!

christina said...

wow, you are some kind of trooper. i'm so glad that the Lord protected logan. it IS horrible to see your child hurting, and i am so glad that he's better....for your sake. :) isn't it amazing that he looks so rested and happy in the hosp. pics? kids are made of rubber, i always say. they just bounce back from everything. :)

Anonymous said...

i'm glad your little one is doing better. my 4 month old had a spinal tap at 5 days to rule out meningitis. understand the emotion. God is good! i'm a friend of the hairgroves. found your site through theirs.

Jen said...

Oh my goodness! I can't imagine almost a whole week of uncertainty and pain. Praise the Lord for his strength - wow! Tears are coming just thinking of what it must have felt like for all of you. Praying for you!

Karen said...

o my goodness, heather. God certainly is good. thanks for the testimony.

Visit us on said...

He still has that adorable smile even when he is stuck in bed! How are the spinal headaches?

Don and Christy said...

Wow...So that is what I have to look forward too! I will pray he gets even better! Wow!

Jocelyn Pagano said...

Sorry to hear about your ordeal - I would have been a wreck too. Praise the Lord for His protection and I will pray his headaches get better quickly!

Cari Mohler said...

Heather! I am so sorry to hear about the scare with Logan!!! Oh, I don't think that there is much worse than the fear of something happening to one of our little ones!!! I am so sorry that I didn't know about it sooner! I just came across it on your blog!!! How is he doing now? We will be praying for all of you!!!

We love you guys and miss you!!! I think we will have to plan a trip this winter! :)


Jenny O said...

Heather - well good news is I'm a blogger too now! whohooo! BUT anyways - oh my word - - I will be praying for him and you all...God is so faithful isn't he? Hopefully this will help me keep in better touch with you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Heather! Matt and I were just thinking about you guys last night. I remembered seeing your link on Shyla's page and thought I'd check in on you guys. You and Kevin have been such an incredible example with all the things that have happened over the past few years. I'm so glad Logan is ok. I work on a Peds floor at a Level 1 trauma hospital. It's really hard some days, but it's kids with families like yours that make it all worth it. Take care and tell Kevin we said hello!