Sunday, September 10, 2006

Fun Time with Family!!!

This past Friday, we were able to meet up with Heston, Kelli and the NBBC girls soccer team. They were in Rockford playing Rockford College! After they finished playing we went out to eat with them and then me and the kids were able to follow them up to Sheboygan, WI. We stayed in a hotel and on Saturday got the opportunity to watch them play Lakeland College!!

I had a wonderful time being able to see Heston and Kelli! The Lord has given them an awesome opportunity to work at NBBC, coach and finish Heston's schooling! Kelli and I rode together on the way up to Sheboygan and just had a great time talking with each other! Thanks Kelli for the company!

The soccer team is very young, but I have NEVER seen such a great group of girls! They were so respectful and upbeat the entire time! Hang in there Heston and in a couple more years, your team will be the team to beat! They worked hard!!

Needless to say, when they played in Rockford, it was over 80 degrees, so I thought I would be safe if I packed a sweatshirts for me and the kids. Was I wrong!!! The morning of the game, I had to run out and get jeans, long sleeve shirts and anything else I could find! I guess, I misjudged that one, BIG TIME!!!

Logan was so tired from being up late the night before and then it was well past his naptime!!! He tried so hard to stay awake and watch the soccer game!! He was so upset that we didn't stay for the guys game! Next time, Bud! (Only a nickname!)

The girls playing their hearts out!! They are going to be a good team in a couple more years!!!


Kelli said...

Thanks so much for coming to spend the weekend with us! We had a great time. Thanks for posting the pictures of the weekend; I didn't take very many! Hope you have a wonderful week!

Unknown said...

What a fun weekend! It's fun to root for the alma-mater, isn't it? Especially when your brother is the coach. Looks like Victoria didn't mind the cold wind, eh?

Sheboygan is such a nice little town! We spent July 4th there the month before Chloe was born. Did you go into Kohler or see the lake front?

Anonymous said...

It's good for you to have some cold. :-) We've been having it. Our boys are in school this year too. I feel old. :-) You should try Cari's blog and see our new addition too. Talk to you later.

Heather said...

Jason! I do check in on Cari's blog...just last night I was telling Kevin that you guys got a puppy too!!! How exciting!!

We are planning to come up to NBBC soon! We will let you know when!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Oh-- your post made me really look forward to chilly weather-- even though it isn't so much fun when it suprises you like that! Yeah-- Fall is just about here!