Tuesday, August 01, 2006

August First…A Day of Celebrating Life…

Today, four years ago, August 1, 2002 our lives changed forever! Our precious little one, Victoria Joy Watson was born. As a wife and now a mother, I never realized how quickly things changed the instant she would be placed on my stomach. It was at that moment, that I knew I was a mom! I had grown up looking at my mom as an example all of my life and couldn’t wait to be a mom myself. I knew that one day my little girl would be doing the same. Now was my opportunity to teach her what I had learned and gleaned from my mom!

Victoria has become such a little girl over the past four years. So many of you that are having new babies and starting your family now…cling to the moment of your little one! They are such precious moments that go by so fast!

Over the past four years she has learned so many things. She is now learning how to spell different words and perfecting the writing of her name! It is amazing to me how they grow-up! She is such a motherly little thing too. She takes care of her brother and tries to teach him all the things she is learning! He has a great teacher.

So on this day, we make it a special day for her! We know that as she grows up we will cherish these times with her…for on today, two years ago, August 1, 2004, her Grandma went home to be with the Lord! What an amazing thing! Can you imagine what it is like to see our Heavenly Father? After talking to a good friend of mine and telling her how I dread this date every year, as it comes closer and closer…she told me to Celebrate Life on this day…So that is what I am doing!

Celebrating the life of my daughter and what she means to me and celebrating the life of my mother-in-law and what she meant to me! Life is a precious thing, and I have learned the hard way, that you never know when that life will be gone!

So today, Victoria, I love you and I pray as you grow up that you will learn what love is all about. The unconditional love your Heavenly Father shows you everyday! My prayer for you is that you grow up to be sensitive to everyone and everything around you! I am so proud that you are my daughter and will continue to be the example that I need to be to you!


Visit us on www.facebook.com said...

Happy Birthday Victoria!

All day today I didn't thing about...4 years ago we were at Reading Hospital going through an impossibly long labor waiting for Victoria and 2 years ago I was on the phone with you and Kevin about his Mom and the decisons you guys had to make...what is it with the connections of birthday and deaths in our family?

Heath, Jamie, Julie, & Mady said...

Happy Birthday Victoria! Looks like you had a fun birthday. Mady said you look very preety in your picture. See you soon.

Kelli said...

Happy Birthday, Victoria! Sorry we didn't get a chance to call you, we got a little distracted! We can't wait to see you on Friday!
Aunt Kelli & Uncle Heston

Anonymous said...

Victoria is so precious. I'm so glad you are choosing to celebrate the wonderful life that Mrs. Watson lived and shared with you while sharing her wisdom with Victoria. I love reading up on your family. Tell Kevin I said hello. I'm praying for you all.

Tara McLain

Karen said...

(sniff!) I'm a blubbering mess, Heather! Victoria seems like such a sweetheart; I can't wait to teach my little girl all those things. What a great tribute, both to her and to your mom-in-law. They're both special.

S said...

Happy belated birthday to Victoria! What a great perspective on celebrating the gift of life. It's wonderful to see God's grace at work in your family's life.

S said...

Happy belated birthday to Victoria! What a great perspective on celebrating the gift of life. It's wonderful to see God's grace at work in your family's life.

Jen said...

Happy belated birthday to Victoria! How cool Sierra and Victoria are only 4 days apart. Great perspective on celebrating life - it is truly a gift! We miss Mrs. Watson - we loved all the trips they took with us on Lights.

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