Thursday, July 13, 2006

To My One and Only....Happy Birthday!!!

Kevin's birthday is on July 15th, but we are going camping this weekend so I will not have the chance to post this the day of his birthday.
I contemplated what to do for his birthday post, so I decided to post some pictures that I think have changed his life and made him more of the person he is today!
We were married when we were 21 years old...some thought we were to young but over the six years of our marriage we have matured and grown to love one another more than we did on that day! Kevin has taught me how to love unconditionally and how to come together as a husband and wife! He takes our marriage very seriously and works hard to provide for his family. If he were asked what is his top priority...he would answer you by saying, "To provide for my wife and children". He is a hard worker and I appreciate that now more than ever.

This picture shows Kevin holding his daughter for the first time! It brought tears to my eyes that day and still does today when I look at this picture. The moment he was handed Victoria for the first time, he became a father and his mentality of life changed quickly! This little girl is now almost 4 years old and he takes raising her very seriously! I am so thankful for that because he knows that consistency and being there for Victoria when he needs her is so important while she is young! He is a proud father and loves being a dad!

This picture is one of the first times that he was able to hold Logan! I know that he became a proud father of a son because of what it means to have a little boy following him around trying to be just like him!
I am so thankful for Kevin and how seriously he takes being a father to our two children! He loves knowing that Logan wants to be just like him and because of that, he wants to set a good example so when Logan is following him in his footsteps he is following a God loving father!
Kevin, I hope you have a wonderful day and that your birthday is good one! Thanks for all you have done for me and our children! I appreciate your hard work, ability to provide and the direction that you have shown to us! I love you and am so proud that you are my husband!!!
Happy Birthday!


ashley said...

That was very sweet! You brought tears to my eyes=) Have fun camping!

Kelli said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEVIN! Hope you have an awesome weekend camping! We thought about going camping for my birthday next weekend, but we are not sure it is going to work out!
Have a wonderful birthday!

Heather said...

Ashley - I was looking through my wedding album to find a picture of Kevin and I...and there you were with your sister. :) You were so young looking...I can hardly believe how fast we all grow up and that I used to babysit you! My goodness!!!

Kelli - you guys should come camping with us sometime...we would have a ball!!! You would love the place we went to up in was so CLEAN and beautiful! You could put your tent up right with us on the same site! We would love it! I know Victoria and Logan would! :)

Karen said...

Aww! I'm blinking back tears, Heather! I could not be more excited to see Nate with Olivia. I think I'm more pumped to see him become a daddy than I am to be a mommy. Sounds like Kevin is one great husband and father!

Jen said...

Wow what a great birthday message. How sweet! Happy Birthday Kevin!

Visit us on said...

Happy Birthday Kevin! Are you 27? Only three more years, YIKES...just kidding! You guys look so young in your wedding picture!

Hey was I there when you had Logan, I don't remember? I remember everything about Victoria...Oh wait I think I was watching Victoria when you had him, oh I don't remember!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BRITHDAY!!!!!!! Just 3 more to the big 30!!

Heather said...

hill and mom and dad...

Actually, Kevin is as old as me...28! :) So only 2 more years till the big 30! were there when we had Victoria and that Picture was probably taken by you. I am pretty sure that the picture with Kevin and Logan was taken by you also! I think you were the first there after he was born. (yes, you were watching victoria) :)

S said...

Those pictures were precious. What a great post! Tell Kevin, Happy Birthday! (in case he doesn't read your blog like my husband :) Too busy providing for the fam!

Kelli said...

Heather, if it ever works out, we would love to come camping with you! We have a space about 1 1/2 weeks after we come back from vacation that we are going to try to go camping before pre-season and school starts! The summer has flown by!!

carissa said...

brought tears to my eyes too, heather. That was so neat to see the life-changing events in his life. I think I'll steal your idea ;) thanks.

Jocelyn Pagano said...

Happy Birthday Kevin. What a great blog to post for his birthday!