Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Racecars and Fireworks!!!

Ever since the kids were infants the one thing Kevin has been looking forward to is bringing Victoria and Logan to the racetrack. Well, he finally had his chance on Monday night!!!
We took the kids to the Rockford Speedway. There was racing and then fireworks right in the infield afterwards! They had a great time!! Of course they needed the ear "muffs" because it is so incredibly loud there!
Patiently awaiting the racecars. It was so funny because of the ear "muffs" they couldn't tell how loud they were talking so in reality they were screaming at us and didn't even realize it! They wore them the entire way to the racetrack and Victoria sang "Jesus Loves Me" at the top of her lungs! :)

Logan...watching for the cars to enter the speedway from the pit area!

He finally got to see the racecars for the first can kind of see Kevin in this picture and how proud he was to have his son be so excited. I must admit that I was pretty proud too!!

What is racing without the POPCORN and POP!!!

Logan enjoying his "treat" (as he calls it) while sitting right in the middle of the stairs! He would even move if someone was on their way up...but he did think that it was more fun to sit right there in the middle instead of on the actual bleachers.

Logan and his proud daddy!! (Notice Logan biting his finger nails, again? He didn't like the fireworks to much)

He was very unsure of the fireworks! It didn't help that they were RIGHT on top of us and very loud!!!

Victoria enjoying some of the cool fireworks! She loved them! It is so hard to believe that our children are growing up so fast and experiencing so many new things! They are at the age now that they will begin to remember things from year to year and look forward to them more and more!!!


Visit us on said...

Love the earmuffs!
You should get logan that gross nailpolish that taste bad to put on his fingers.
But it is kinda cute that he bites his nails.

Heather said...

He really only does it when he is scared or nervous. I think I will just let him be for now. It is kinda cute...I may have to change it eventually.

Hey...did Steve tell you I called last night?

Kelli said...

Looks like the kids had a lot of fun! Sounds like you had a nice 4th of July. We had some frineds over and they had a 3 1/2 month old baby and she didn't like the loud fireworks too much! Phoebe didn't either...

Visit us on said...

No he didn't...We are going out for a little tonight, but give me a call whenever. I talked to Jamie today and she said that you guys were talking about August...Sounds like fun!

christina said...

i love the earmuffs! we used to always put those on when we were up north shooting our .22s with my papa. then my youngest cousin used it when we all sang happy birthday at family parties b/c "the song was too loud". they also came in handy when i wanted to study in the trailer and my roomies wanted to chat. when i had those puppies on, everyone knew not to mess!

looks like you guys had a great time. i can't wait to take connor to fun stuff like that and he can really enjoy it like logan did.

Anonymous said...

aaaahhhhh!!!!! stock cars....
whats next??? country music...
my poor redneck grandchildren.

looks like you guys really had fun and it is a great time to spend together. can't wait to hear about it. just a few more weeks.

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Hey Heather! I love the comment "dad" made here :) He can start to worry about redneck grandchildren when you post pictures from the monster truck rally :) It seems like you enjoy stuff all over again when you take your kids. Your family is just adorable (with or without the earmuffs) :)

Janeen said...

Your kids are adorable!! Looks like they had lots of fun. I remember how the watsons loved Nascar so I am sure Kevin was a proud papa.:) Good to see you have fun as a family.

carissa said...

those are awesome pics...loved the part of Jesus loves me!!! cracked me up. My kids do that in Wal-Mart (without the earmuffs!!)

Unknown said...

What a fun adventure for your kiddos! How often do you guys go to the races? Isn't it great fun to share things you enjoy with your kids?

I think the earmuffs were a little big for your small-headed-kids. :) The muffs sure makes them look cute though!

Jen said...

What a great time as a family that they'll remember- you might even get us to try the Milwaukee Mile now, even though I can hear the racing from my house with the windows closed :)

Jocelyn Pagano said...

The kids look so cute in those earmuffs. Great pictures!