Wednesday, June 21, 2006

This one is for you Dad....

I know you and Mom will be getting home from your cruise over the next couple must be rough. :) Hope you had a great time and got rested up for next months bit move! Maybe it will be the last one...does anyone know how many times we have moved as a family?? Just wondering.........
A couple of posts ago, Dad, you asked to see pictures of our camper here ya go......
Kids bedroom

Bathroom (of course)

Kitchen/Living Room Area

Looking into the Master Bed Area from the kitchen

Master Bed Room

Well, there ya go...Sorry, I thought I had posted pictures of that awhile ago, but I guess not. I really do hope that you had a great cruise. It was kinda weird not being able to call you any time of the day, that is for sure. :)

Love ya and see ya soon!!!


Jenny said...

WOW! What a nice camper!!! Looks like you could live on the road if necessary. :-)

Visit us on said...

No don't remember how many times we have moved, but it has always amazed me how fast Mom can pack up an entire house!

Nice pictures! Heath and Jamie should be comfy in Aug.!

carissa said...

that's an awesome camper Heather. Good to see what you've been up to!

Heather said...

You know Hill, you are right. They can always pack up a house in no time at all. I am sure it seems simple this time for them (1) because none of us are at home to slow them down with all of our stuff and (2) mom is a pro at it...lets see....just counting the houses that I even remember I think I came up with 9 moves...and I am sure the list is longer than that! :)

Katie said...

Now, that's my kind of camping!

Anonymous said...

wow heather, that looks bigger than some of the houses we lived in! you guys should definitely be able to have some fun in that. enjoy.

Unknown said...

That is one HUGE camper girl! I'm a tent camper myself but now that we have Chloe, your camper looks pretty nice.

Kelly Glupker said...

I am a little late on this post, but my goodness! I don't know if you can truly call that camping - your camper is nicer than most hotels. WOW!