Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Like Father....

Kevin owns his own construction business. When we named it we wanted it to be different than the normal father/son named businesses....so we went for KL Construction instead of K&L Construction. The "K" obviously stands for Kevin and the "L" for Logan. It stuck and has been that way for 1.5 years, and hopefully many more to come.
Logan may not fully understand what he is up for (his daddy has already spoken for Logan and giving him all the summer work he needs), but he is already in practice. He usually always has a hat on, just like daddy and recently he has really be drawn to the tools of the trade. He will usually be seen with a pencil in his ear and a tape measure on his pants. What more can daddy ask for?

Over the last 3 months Kevin has been doing a commercial job for a company that sells golf cars. We as a family have grown close to the owner and his wife! They are such nice people and LOVE to camp just like us! We are SO looking forward to going camping with them this year! Get that coach ready Mel and Tom!!!
This past weekend, Kevin was there finishing up a few things and they had us over for a little "Pizza Party" with the kids! Logan and Victoria loved to run and try out all the different cars. Eventually, they found one with a key in it and off it went. Don't worry, it didn't go to far, but it sure did give them both a scare. Before we knew it we were going around checking if there were any others with keys!

This one is huge, Mom, look how high it is off of the ground.

Are you sure we can't bring one of these home, Mom!?!?

My favorite color, PINK!

Look, the wheels move on this one when I turn this thing here!!!

I promise that I will not touch the gas peddle any more!!!

Hang on Broder, we are in for a bumpy ride!

Victoria rarely calls Logan, Logan. It is ALWAYS "Broder"


Kelli said...

Cute pictures Heather! Some day, soon enough, Logan will realize the significance of the name of Kevin's company. He will enjoy working with his dad; that is a very special bond! What fun to have a boy to follow in daddy's footsteps!

S said...

Those are cute pics! Can't wait for Esther to get bigger for us all to go camping.

pamela s said...

Seeing Logan & Victoria mimicking you guys is so precious! But, it makes me a little nervous when someday I'm a parent. Will I want my kids to act like I do? :)

Shyla said...

DO you know that I have always wondered what the "L" stood for!! DUH!! LOL

Unknown said...

How adorable! It's so sweet to see little kids looking up to their parents so much. It is challenging though, to echo Pam's thoughts. I LOVE the look on Victoria's face in the my favorite color, pink picture. How cute! Pink's my favorite too Victoria.