Friday, February 17, 2006

Will It Ever End?

I had said earlier this week that I was at home with my little ones. Ends up they both had double ear infections. Once we got the medicine in them, they were changed children!

Last night though...I don't know what happened. Logan got up at Midnight. I had only been asleep for about an hour and a half. I thought he just needed a little drink and then he would be back in dreamland. Boy was I wrong. Five hours later and many trips to the bathroom (he had a very sick little belly) he was finally back to sleep. WOW! What a night. Or Morning. I didn't know what was wrong with him at first. I just thought that he was being disobedient and kept spanking him. I felt horrible once he started throwing up. I had spanked a sick little boy. :(

Well, anyway, I was not going to attempt going to work today with more frustration then sleep in my system. I don't think I would have accomplished much.

This morning everyone seems find. A little cranky because of lack of sleep...that is what nap time is for and I am really looking forward to that...but overall we are doing ok.

One good thing about Kevin being self-employed....we get to go have lunch with daddy today. The kids are so excited about that one. :)

Have a great weekend everyone....hope you and your families are all healthy!



Shyla said...

Good call taking work off, i was just thinking as I read your post how difficult it would be to have to work outside with home with little kiddies at home..especially sick ones! I am glad that you have a job that you can call in be able to be with the kids!
Hope that you all feel better!
Have fun at lunch!

Unknown said...


Sorry to hear about your ill little ones! I haven't had to experience that yet (thank the Lord) and am enjoying long sleeps thanks to Chloe's 12 hour nights. Hope you got some rest as well today!


Heather said...

Shy - You are right, I am so glad that I have a good job that allows me to have flexibility! Looks like we are on our way to better nights.

Alicia - WOW! That is all I can kids never sleep 12 hour nights. Especially when they were little, little ones like Chloe. I don't think that Logan slept through the night continuously till this past fall. I guess it was my fault. I should have let them cry it out at an early age. Whatever the case my be though....they are sleeping through the night now. Other the then the sick nights or the nights with bad dreams or something along the same line.
I am glad that you get good sleep. It makes it much easier when the next one comes along. :)
