Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Crazy Weekend

Ok, so I was off yesterday because of THE holiday. I didn't understand it because most people are only off for Martin Luther King's Birthday if they are still in school or if they deliver the mail. I am not complaining. Believe me, I really did appreciate being able to be at home with my children on a Monday. It was so much fun to be with them for a lond 3 day weekend. Even if the three days seemed like an entire month! The weekend started off like this.....

Kevin went with our youth pastor and our teens on a winter retreat! He had only been gone since Thursday, but being a mother of 2 young children it seemed like an eternity. So what do I do to keep my weekend from dragging on? I invited my daughters little friend to spend the night. Can you say, "WRONG IDEA!!" Don't get me wrong, we had a wonderful time, but they just would not go to sleep for anything. I was trying so hard not to lose my patience, being my daughters first sleep-over and all! But my patience were dwindling FAST!! I finally got them to sleep, and laid down myself. Wouldn't you know it, before long they were both in my bed, with me. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep. Oh well, Victoria thought she was SO big because she had a friend over. Even if they did sleep in mommy's bed.

The rest of the weekend went pretty smoothly, until last night. I have been working with Logan on potty training. I have not made it a huge production. We just started introducing him to sitting on the toilet. If anyone has any suggestions I would love them. Do you make boys sit on the toliet? I got wet one to many times this weekend that is for sure. What am I doing wrong? Well, he was taking a bath last night and it was just to quiet in there, so I went in to check on him.....ahahahahahahaahahah...he pooped in the tub. Needless to say, mommy was not to happy. Kevin just smiled and told him that the tub and the toliet are two different things. That was the joy and event of my Monday off. I couldn't get mad at him. He just looked at me with tears in his eyes, and said, "Sorry mommy". What a sweet heart!! Gotta love them.

Anyways, it is never a dual moment in the Watson house. I wouldn't change it for anything! I love my kids and I love ALL of the crazy things they do!


Shyla said...

Sounds like fun!
My mom put Cheerios in the toilet when she was potty training my brothers and then they thought it was a game and would try to aim at the cheerios....it helped with their aim..and got it all in the toilet...i can't speak for their aim today though! :)

Katie said...

Hm, I should tell Chris about that Cheerio thing. I did not just say that. He will never read this. :) kidding.

Heather, I've heard wonders about this little book called Potty Training in a Day - I've heard it works - but I think it calls for a lot of concentrated time in a day. It's all you work on for a day. I don't know, I haven't come to that bridge yet. If you get really desperate, you might give it a try. How old is Logan? When should I start worrying about this with Luke? I'm definitely not going to entertain the thought before he's 2. And I'm really thankful he hasn't pooped in the tub yet. I remember my little bro doing that. Honestly, it would be annoying but wouldn't phase you much, huh? It's not like we haven't been peed on and pooped on before by them. Everytime Luke does something that makes me frustrated and borderline angry, he flashes the smile and makes me laugh. He's starting to use that to his advantage - like when he's about to get a little you-know-what on the you-know-where. ;)

Ok, my comment is turning into it's own post, so I'll say goodnight.

Heather said...


Logan just turned two on Thanksgiving...so like I said, it is not something we are pushing for (although it would be nice to be diaperless, it has been 3 1/2 years of buying those crazy things)we are just introducing it to him. Victoria was trained well before she was 2 1/2 but that was Victoria. Anyway, you will know when he is ready. Just enjoy the pre-potty training days. A trip to WalMart will never be the same.