Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Such a Small World...

I am not one for just reading in on anyone's blogs, but today as I was reading one of my friends blog's I noticed names of other blog's that I was familiar with. So I thought....why not do it...maybe I will find old friends. It is so nice to stay in contact with everyone. At first I didn't think I really had much to talk about, but we will see. I am a mother or two children. Of course there is something to talk about.

So I will try my hardest to keep this up to date and maybe get in touch with old friends!!


Katie said...

Hi Heather!

Thanks for commenting on my blog, and for praying for Bethany and Angie. How are you and Kevin? (Kinda goofy that I went to HS with him and now I connect with you via the blogosphere) Sounds like you do have your hands full! I only have one; Luke is also all boy, which I love. For some reason, I thought you lived in PA . . . We're in Louisville now, but we're like the traveling gypsies - on the move every year or two. It's not because we enjoy it, believe me. But, Chris is in school and has jumped around to different programs. Well, I'll stop writing. Chris makes fun of me for having these long conversations in the comment section.:)


Shyla said...

Welcome to the world of Blogging!
Trust me! It's fun to be reading everyone else's "goings-on". Well, have fun building your blog! I miss you and hope to see you at Christmas!
love ya!