Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas has only just begun.....

Ok, so last night was our "first" Christmas. We celebrated with Dad and Lisa. (Kevin's Dad and wife) Anyway, I was so excited because it is the children's first Christmas being old enough to understand it! They had so much fun opening gifts. Tomorrow morning, Sunday, we will be celebrating our Christmas here at home. Then off to Pennsyvania so we can celebrate yet another Christmas!! I am really looking forward to it!!

Kevin and I have been teaching Victoria & Logan that Christmas is more then presents under the tree, cookies and parties. She loves to sing "Away in A Manager". So I thought I would try to explain to her what Christmas is about by using both the song and a nativity scene. She is understanding it a little better. A few weeks ago, we were standing at a nativity scene, and Victoria saw baby Jesus and then asked where God was. She didn't understand why we can't see him. WOW!!! Their little minds just do not stop thinking, do they? She never ceases to amaze me that is for sure.

Today is a day of just relaxing. The kids are taking their naps and I have some quiet time to catch up on some stuff that I just can't seem to do while working full time. Maybe, just maybe, one day I will be able to be a stay at home mom. Well i better get going for now; we have a 4 hour cantata practice this evening and I still have plenty to do before it. Fun, Fun.

Here are a few pictures of the kids opening their gifts from Grandpa and Lisa! It was so much fun to watch them last night.

1 comment:

Katie said...

So cute! Logan is so handsome; and here's a fun coincidence: Luke had that exact same outfit on today! The plaid shirt and jeans that came with a vest. :) He looks like such a little man in it.

I hope you all have a great time Christmasing this week. Sounds like you'll be busy. We're going to have our family Christmas Wed. morning and will be going to Detroit on the 23rd. We don't get to go up to WI until New Year's Day. Thanks for the great email; I loved hearing all of your goings-on. And I'll be in touch soon. :)
