Monday, August 27, 2012

First Days of School...

The first week of school is over and the second has ALREADY started.  Where does the time go and how can I slow it down??  I look at Victoria and Logan and wonder....when did they get so independent, mature and just down right grown up???  It is not just bothering me, I have had a few conversations with Kevin and he feels the same way.  Especially when he looks at Victoria.  She holds a special place in his heart...Daddy's little girl. ;)

First Day of 5th Grade - last year of elementary!  She keeps reminding me of this!! :)

First day of third grade!!  He also moved to the campus where the 3rd - 5th grades, middle school and high school buildings are! He was SO excited and nervous. :)

We live less than a mile from the school so NO bus rides anymore!!  They can walk, ride or I will drop them off when the weather turns cold. 

Second day of school and riding our bikes!! They were thrilled and felt so "mature" LOL!!
You can kinda see here in this picture that Logan is for sure taller than Sis. Ever since he was 2 years old he has weighed the same amount as Victoria and has been around the same height.  This past summer he has passed her in height and now weighs at least 10 pounds more than her.  WOW!!! 

There goes my life...with the big neighborhood boys!  Talk about feeling cool.

Third day of school and they get to wear their sport uniforms to show team spirit for Saturday's game. 
My big football player - #81
So proud of what he has accomplished this year in football - one of the captains and recently won the leadership award!

Feeling the Love....LO!!! 

Victoria and Logan - we are so proud of you and all that you seek to accomplish this school year.  The love that you show to learn and to work hard makes mom and dad proud.  We love you and always want you to know that we are here for anything you need. 


We love you more, Dad and Mom!


Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Updated List

I feel like I am getting back on track.  With summer break, things tend to just get so crazy with our schedules.

Two weeks from today we start school, and we will have a 5th and a 3rd grader.  YIKES!!!

My list is getting shorter and shorter and I haven't had to add anything on - yet. :)

1. Call orthodontist to schedule both Victoria and Logan's first appointments.
2. Call eye doctor to schedule both Victoria and Logan's check ups.
3. Call dentist to reschedule their cleanings - since we missed them.
4. Make math flashcards for review - since the ones from the school year conveniently disappeared. - will be finished by end of today!
5. Get Logan's football schedule and Victoria's cheer schedule to family members. - still waiting to get Logan's schedule from coaches.
6. Finish Victoria's birthday present.
7. Blog about Logan's baseball season.
8. Organize my coupons.
9. Make grooming appointment for Diesel - since I totally forgot today's appointment.
10. Finish school supply shopping. - ALMOST FINISHED!!!
11. Finish landscaping front yard. - This is being put off till end of September or at least till things slow down.

It feels so good to get things checked off lists.  Accomplishments are a great feeling!

Enjoy your day! :)

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Growing up...

Victoria's birthday was yesterday.  I took the day off because she had asked to have a sleepover with a few of her friends.  She was so excited and I must say - so was I.  She has made a couple of good friends this summer and they are all on the cheering squad together.  The girls like to practice their cheers, hang out, walk to the park - you know all the fun things that we did when we were their age. 

Honestly, I was really looking forward to yesterday because instead of thinking about the anniversary of my mother-in-laws death (which happens to also be on Victoria's birthday) I was able to keep busy with 4 girls and a birthday party.  I purposefully did not even put anything on Facebook about it being 8 years since she passed away.  I didn't want to think about - but to only concentrate on Victoria.

The day was beautiful and we spent a few hours at the pool and then off to cheer practice.  We finished up the evening with cupcakes at the fire station with Daddy. :)  She was happy and exhausted all at once that evening.  As I was putting her to bed we were talking about her uncle - who happened to be at the ER last night - and she said, "he is not having a good birthday today".  I wasn't sure what she meant because his birthday is mid August.  So I corrected her, and immediately she disagreed.  I asked her why she thought his birthday was the same as her.  She said quickly, "because that is what the tattoo says on his arm". 

Oh my, this is not the conversation I wanted to have with Victoria as her birthday was ending.  I told her what the tattoo meant and that on August 1st, her second birthday, was when her Grandma went to heaven.  She was devastated.  I held her and we both cried for a long time.  She has always known that Grandma died in a motorcycle accident, but she has never asked specifics.  Well last night that changed, and as I sat and answered all the questions she asked I didn't see a little girl.  I saw something more mature, something in her eyes that changed.  It was a bonding time that I will never forget between the two of us. 

I am SO blessed to have Victoria as my daughter.  She is such a beautiful girl inside and outside.  The past 10 years have gone by so quickly.  Victoria will graduate from high school when she is 17 years old - that is only SEVEN more years till she moves off to college....I pray that we are as then as we are now.